Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jul 6, 2009


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

The next morning, I awoke to Damien getting dressed. I looked over at his slender body as he bended over showing me his ass. I whistled at him. His head turned around and smiled at me.

"You're awake," he said to me.

"Yep, I take your getting an early start on today's hunt," I said and sat up in the bed.

"Yep, sweetheart," he said and pulled up his underwear. He turned around and came back over to the bed. He leaned in and I leaned forward. We kissed and then he started rubbing my crotch that was covered by the blanket. Then he stopped and started looking for his pants.

"Tease," I said to him.

He looked at me and just stuck his tongue out at me. He bent over again and got his pants on and then pulled his shirt over his head. Quickly he kissed me and before I could say anything he was gone out the door. I heard his engine rev up and then he pulled out of the driveway.

I rolled out of bed and let the blanket slip off me. My cock was completely hard and I was still half a sleep. I walked over to my desk and booted up my computer to surf the web for porn. It booted up and I was slowly jerking my cock while I was waiting. I went to a couple of my favorite sites and started downloading some videos.

While the people on the screen where, my hand picked up speed and I was really getting into and I did not hear my door open. Then the people on the screen were moaning and fucking and I shot my load all over my desk and myself.

Then from behind me I heard him speak, "So I guess that comes with helping us out."

I turned my chair around and there was Ryan and Bobby standing in my doorway. Bobby was shocked and his mouth was drooling. "I see Bobby was enjoying himself. I thought you guys would call first," I said to them as I got up to grab a towel to clean up the mess.

"Well, we figured since you with Damien you would not need to do that. Plus we wanted to check the pieces that we got were correct and get an early start," Ryan told me and then looked over at Bobby.

His eyes were glued to my body as I bent over to clean the mess on the computer desk. Then I wiped myself off. "Can I shower real fast or do you want me dirty?" I asked with a smile.

Ryan looked at Bobby who was still stuck in a trance. "Well I think you should get dressed so my boyfriend gets back to normal. So we will take you all dirty," he said to me.

"Sounds like plan," I said and then grabbed a pair of boxers that was lying on the floor. I quickly finished getting dressed and Bobby was now looking at Ryan instead of me. "So what did you guys collect yesterday?"

"Well," Bobby finally said. "Well we started at the bottom of the list but only found the name too show life and fire of passion. We could not find a soulful warrior. So went and got the pet photo."

"Which ones do you want to go for today?" I asked as I pulled my shirt over my head.

"Well we figured we hit the middle three today and continue going up from the bottom of the list," Ryan said and then handed me my cell phone that was on the desk.

"Sounds good to me," I said and then we headed for the door.

We all pulled into Ryan's car and we took off to start our day. Bobby pulled out the list and looked at the one above name too show life. "Ok so the item we are looking for is a peaceful salesman. The clue: In this world, peace is hard to find, this man has got the key that holds the peace," Bobby said to us.

"Well, mister genius, I take it you think your going to stump us. We have a system to decode you riddles. What to see it?" he asked.

"I'm game," I said back to them.

"Well first we look at the words and get the key one's out. Like in this clue it would be world, peace, man and key," Bobby said.

"Then we put them together and find the place. So like this one there is only one place that has the world. It would be at universal studios that have a rotating world and the person that has the key to get inside would be someone that works there," Ryan deducted.

"Well that is only half the challenge. Once you get there, you will see," I said to them.

Ryan took off and we were there in not time flat. We got to the front gates of Universal and there was a person just standing there waiting for us. Strangely enough there were other people there as well; Damien, Sean, Jackie and Elliot were there too. I just smiled and said, "Hello, welcome to my tour."

They all looked at me and then had the look on there faces like no way could he have plan that we all be looking for the same thing at once. "Did you know this would happen?" Jackie asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders and then started walking. See what I really planned was that the three middle tasked that I assumed everyone will look for on the second day. So I put them in one place. Universal Studios, is my choice.

"So everyone hopped in and we can begin this special tour," I said to everyone as the gentleman and I took the front seat with him. I turn the seat around and the driver handed me the microphone. "Well you guys coming in or do I have to drag you?"

Everyone got in and was talking to themselves. Then I got on the mic and started the tour. "So what makes this tour so special is that three of your clues are here in the park. We will be passing them all on this tour guided golf cart but there will be challenges on the way," I said to them.

"What type of challenges?" Sean asked.

"Shh..." I said to them and then we looked over at the water. It was the Jaws scene that you see on T.V. We all watch and waited for the giant shark to come up to the edge of the waterfront and surprise us. Nothing came, everyone was looking at me. Then the shark finally jumped out of the water. It had something in its mouth which popped out as it trashed about. It landed on the top of golf cart.

Everyone one jumped and got out of the cart. The driver jumped a little as well. I was just smiling at everyone and then the item dropped six pieces of something on the floor around the cart. Everyone quickly grabbed a piece.

"What just happened?" Elliot asked.

"Well it looks like Jaws was giving you a piece of the clues. I would hold on to those, you might need them later. Ready for the next stop on the tour," I said and then all got in. Everyone was smiling and having a good time. I expected that to happen and it was awesome.

We went into a studio lot and into the warehouse. Then the curtains were drawn back. King Kong was thrashing around and then Jackie noticed something.

"Hey guys, it looked like something is stuck on his hand," she pointed out.

Everyone looked and the looked at the list and they read the Hand of Fated clue. It read: In this monster was a heart of gold, protecting his woman was his fated goal. Then they all got out of the car and were wondering how to get the thing from his hand. Damien and Sean tried jumping for it when it came down but no luck.

Elliot put Jackie on his shoulders but they were just out of reach. Ryan and Bobby were just sitting there thinking. Then Ryan got an idea. "Hey guys, I think we need to work together to get all these clues today. Zach planned it work out that way," Ryan said.

"Your right but how are you going to do it?" I said and then thought to myself that Ryan was always the one figuring what's going on before doing anything.

"So what is your plan?" Sean yelled as he was jumping.

"Give me a sec," Ryan yelled back and then you heard a crash. I quickly jumped out of the cart to see if Jackie was alright. She fell off Elliot shoulders. We all went running to see if she was alright. We got to hear and she was laughing her ass off. We laughed with her and the Ryan got an idea. "We need to work together to the thing off Kong's hand. So we need to lift each other up and then toss them at the right moment," Ryan said.

"Who's the lightest?" Sean asked around.

The all looked around and it seemed that Sean was the lightest out of all of them. All eyes went to him and the circled around him. They raised him up and then the hand came down. Everyone tossed him up and he grabbed hold of Kong's hand. He did get the item but he forgot to let go.

Kong's hand rose up and Sean went with it. I just stood there in shock and then everyone was getting ready to catch him if he fell. After a few seconds, I notice something was falling but it was not Sean. His pants slipped off over his cute butt and fell on Jackie's head. He did not have boxers on but this time he was sporting some hot boxerbriefs that where black with the words come get some on the ass part.

I just busted up laughing. Now the scene looked like one of those old time cop chasing black and white films. Everyone running around underneath not knowing what to do while someone is in danger. Then I saw Sean's hands slipping. I quickly ran underneath him and he let go. He land on me but I still fell and hit the grab with him.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah and it looks like you keep saving me," he asked back to me.

"Yep and Jackie has your pants," I told him and Jackie came over and hand Sean his pants. We all smile at him and then we looked at the item.

It read: Congrats on the team work and congrats on comedy routine. Hope you had fun and now look at the screen.

The curtains closed and then on the curtains a film started to play. Everything that just happened was caught on film. Everyone sat down and smiled at everything that went down. They all laughed and we had a good time.

"So now that you completed the hand of fated, I think we should move on. Is everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yeah!" they all shouted and then got back on the cart.

The driver took us out of the warehouse and we were heading to our next stop on the tour. I checked the time and we had plenty of it before we need to be somewhere. The driver stop suddenly and I flew back into my seat.

"What happen?" I asked.

"Road block, this is as far as I can go," he told me.

I got back on the mic and told everyone, "Well it looks like we hit a road block, so looks like we are doing the rest on foot."

We all got out and did not care due to the fact that we all are having fun. We walked around the closed road sign and made it to the next little back lot. It looked like it was castle and had everything. It was guard by to knights and was surrounded by a moat. I looked down at the moat and it had gators and fish.

Then out of both tower windows a prince and princess were trapped. They looked out the window and looked around for someone to save them and then entered back into the room.

Damien had the list of items. He looked it over and then realized the sword of sorrows must have been in the castle. The clue was it is not long and slender but more sharper when it pierces the heart.

"I think we have to free the prince and princess from the castle," Damien told us.

"I think your right," Bobby said. "Yet how do we get past the guards."

"We need a diversion," Jackie said. Then I saw the wheels in her head turning. She always had ways of getting out of things. I knew she would come up with something really good and that is exactly what she did. They huddle up and then it was on.

They broke the huddle and then sneaked around to the back of the castle. There was to grappling hooks and ropes attached to them. No I wonder who left those there. Jackie and Elliot went walking up to the moat began and then started taunting the guards on duty. The rest of the group was getting ready to scale the back wall.

The group in the back waited for the signal. Then there heard the draw bridge crash to the ground and the guards run across it. I was sitting on the sideline when one of the guards spotted me. He looked at me and then started running towards me. "Oh shit," I yelled and I quickly went running away from the castle and thought good luck to the other team.

Meanwhile back at the castle Ryan and Bobby both threw the grappling hooks and they hooked onto the castle. They both swung over and toss the ropes back so Damien and Sean could get across. So Damien and Ryan scaled the wall while Sean and Bobby went through the front door.

As the two were climbing up they started talking about the fun they were having. The reached the top of the castle and there was one guard asleep at the door to one of the rooms. Ryan got a plan. He signaled Damien quietly to go and stand right where he was.

Damien followed and stayed put. Ryan tip-toed to the guard and then pulled down his helmet. The guard awoke quickly and just noticed Damien standing there. Damien realized Ryan's plan and quickly took off. Damien was the bait. The guard took chase after Damien and Ryan just quietly knock on the door.

No answer. He knocked again.

No answer, so he tried the handled and it was unlocked. Ryan walked in and it was the prince's room. He noticed that the prince was a robot and on track that just leads to the window and back. The only thing that stuck out was this necklace that was on the robot. Ryan quickly grabbed it and took off to help Damien.

Back at the front door, Sean and Bobby strolled in like they owned the place. There it was only two ways to go, left or right. They assumed that Ryan and Damien were in the right tower so they went left. They climbed the stair case in silent just incase there was anyone up there. Then from behind them they heard something.

"Help," Damien yelled as he went up the other side of stairs and the guard still right behind him.

The boys knew they need to run so they quickly run up the stairs and crashed through the door. They both landed on the floor and saw the princess on the track. The quickly looked around so they could help Damien escape. Yet there was nothing really there. It was completely empty. They did notice the princess had a necklace on. They took that and then Damien showed up.

They quickly looked at each other and then realized there was only one thing to do. Damien took off towards the window and jumped. Sean did the same thing. Bobby waited for the guard to run up and chase him out the window. I guess it gave him the courage that he needed to jump. The guard did chase him out the window.

They all fell into the moat and got out on the other side. Ryan was standing there waiting for them on the other side of the moat. He helped them out of the moat and asked, "Did you guys have fun?"

"Hell yeah we did," Damien said. "Now, where are my boyfriend and the others?"

Jackie and Elliot came running back after losing the guards and saw the rest of the group standing by the moat. "Hey guys did you free the royalty?" they asked.

"Well it turned out they were robots but we go the sword of sorrow," Ryan said to them.

"Ok where is it?" Jackie asked looking around.

Ryan holds out his piece and Sean held the other one. The necklaces were pendants shape in the form of tear drops. The clue made sense that the tear's hurts the heart more then a piecing blade. So they put them back in there pockets and started looking for me.

They searched the entire area and then decided that I would pop in when needed. They moved forward and continue walking through different sets of famous Hollywood movies. It was getting pretty late; I still did not show my head. Damien started to get worried, so he tried my cell phone.

No answer.

He tried again and still no answer. "Hey, guys, it is getting dark and Zach has not come back yet. I am going to go back to the world globe and see if there is anything there," Damien said and took off.

"Wait up we will go with you," the rest said.

They made there way back to the globe and when there got there, a note was taped to the world. Strangely enough the globe was not moving. It read: to unlock the peaceful salesman, just put the pieces in the whole.

They looked at the globe and it looked like the pieces of the globe were missing. They reached into there pockets and pulled out the stones that jaw's snack dropped out. Ryan knew me and knew it would be hard then just putting the stones into the holes. He was right each piece belonged to a certain hole.

The one thing they did know is the tears went on the top and bottom. Once put down in the holes you heard a click. That click sound meant that it was right and the stones would not come back out. Everyone handed Ryan their little stone. Ryan looked at each piece and then looked at the globe.

Just as Ryan finished putting the pieces into the globe as sun shone its last ray of light. Then the globe started beaming white light from the stones. Then a blinding white light and globe busted into million pieces. Then after the white light died down, a gentleman dress in completely in white was in front of us. Then some music started playing in the background and some back up dancers dress in half white and half black suits started dancing around him.

Then the kid in white looked up at us and it was me. I started dancing with them all professional. We were doing everything then more people started showing up behind them and rushed everyone up onto the stage. Then to finish off the night Michael Jackson "Thriller" started and I lead them in the dance. It was so much fun.

At the end of the song, we all just relaxed and sat on the end of the stage. "Wow, I did not know you knew how to dance so well," Ryan said to me.

"Yeah and then dancing to thriller was fun as well," Jackie said and then did the zombie walk.

"Well, I knew you guys would enjoy the day. I had to top it off some how, so why not a little dance party," I said to them.

"How did you do all this today?" Sean asked.

"Do what?" I said and tried to play it off like it was a normal thing. Then everyone just dog piled on me. "Ok, ok. Fine, I just have a lot of connections. I can tell you more after this is all over."

"Fine, we will accept that," Jackie said and then they all started to get off me. Then they started to take off one by one till it was just Damien and I. Damien looked me up and down in the white suit.

"You looked smokin hot in that suit," he said.

"Well you do not look to bad yourself, sexy," I said back at him and kissed him on the neck.

"Well we are alone and I can help finish what I started this morning," he said to me and then his head went straight for my crotch. I was already hard from the dog pile so I might as well enjoy what is to come.

Then I heard my zipper getting pulled down and then I lift my ass of the stage and he pulled my pants right off. While he did that I took of the upper half of the outfit and it just left me in my white boxers. He grabbed my dick and slowly started jerking it through the thin fabric.

I tilted my head back and just started enjoying the moment. Then I felt his warm breath on the tip of my cock. His mouth engulfed it all the way down to the base. His nose was smell breathing heavily. I felt his warm breath on my skin. I rested my hands on the back of his head.

I started grinding my hips and he just took my cock like a pro. Bobbing up and down and then lick the tip, I knew I was not going to last long this time. Just as his tongue flick on the way down, I exploded in his mouth. He swallowed every last drop.

"Now it is my turn," I said and then stood up and dropped my boxers. I then lay down on my stomach and waited for him to fuck me. I stuck my ass up into the air and wiggle it around. Then I felt his tongue on my asshole and him spreading my check.

His tongue left my ass and then I here is zipper being unzipped. Then I felt something a lot bigger then a tongue press into me. I felt the tip of his cock enter my body. His slowly press it in inch by inch and I moan with each time. Once he was fully inside me he rested so I could adjust to his sizes once more.

I looked back at him and blew a kiss his way and then he started fucking me. In and out, in and out, back and forth, then he tease me by taking his cock out of my ass and rubbing up and down my crack.

Then right when he was rubbing up and down my crack he stopped and I felt his cum land on my back. Five or six shots landed on my back. Then his tongue lapped it up and we both collapsed on the stage.

I rested my head on his chest and listened to his breathing. It was calm and soothing. A few moments went by and then we need to head back to our houses. We drive back to his place and we both went in and to bed.

Hit me up what you think about it.

Next: Chapter 30

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