Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jan 29, 2010


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

The weeks started to pass like the normal did at the beginning of every school year. Slow and boring were the days that went by. Damien and I we waiting for the big day, we were each asked to be the best man for Ryan and Bobby.

One day after school, Damien and I were just lying about in our underwear and just relaxing. Then a thought popped into my head.

"Hey, babe," I said.

"Yes," he replied back while propping himself on his elbow.

"I was thinking we should throw one big bachelor party. We could pull out all the stops plus it would say us on money," I told him and then getting off the bed and heading over to my computer.

"That does sound like a great plan. We could do it a couple of days before the wedding," Damien answered back and then got up behind me.

I booted up my computer and waited for it to load. Damien just came up behind me and draped his arms over my shoulders. The pages loaded when I started up and I had a couple of messages from my sites but that was not the task at hand. I opened a fresh page and then looked back at Damien.

I did not really know what to get for the party but I figured the both of us could come up with something. We were on the web for at least a couple of hours. Then we went to bed.

The next morning, I awake and Damien was not around. I got up and walked across the hallway and used the restroom. I went back and still no sight of Damien. I figured he went home and I will hear from him later. Just then my phone rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hey babe," the voice said.

"Why aren't you here with me?" I asked him.

"Had to start getting the items for the party, it is alone a week away," he said to me and then I heard people in the background.

"Ok so where you at? I can come meet you." I said. He gave me the location and then we hung up the phone.

I quickly got dressed and then headed out the door. I was walking down the street and it was a little warm for being October. The leaves started changing colors and some fell to the ground. On my way to the store to meet Damien, I was just completely spacing out.

Finally I made it the store and saw Damien in the back of the store looking at some whips. I walked up behind and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and had a big smile on his face.

"I think I just found my new toy," as he whipped his hand with a nine tail. I just smiled and went walking about the shop. We picked up some props and other things for the set up. We went to his car and he dropped everything off. "Ok, now where we off to?"

"Well I just got word that the stripper they like is in town and I was wondering if we might be able to get him. Want to come with?" I said to him.

"Of course, so who is this mystery man?" Damien said with some excitement in his voice.

"Just wait and see," I said and hopped into his car.

Damien got into the drivers seat and we took of towards Hollywood. I told him to take a few turns and we ended up in the middle of Beverly Hills. We parked the car of to the side of the road and with the other three cars that were parked there.

The shoot that this porn star was doing, was out in the woods. It was a solo jack off and then a nice threesome with a couple of newbie's as well. Damien gave me a curious look and then I just grabbed his hand and lead the way. We can to clearing and there they were shooting. We walked up to the man sitting in the chair and I tapped him on the shoulder.

He looked back and just smiled at me. He got up and we walked a couple of feet away from the action that was going on in the background.

"Hey, I see the shoot is going well," I said and notice Damien was not standing next to me. He was watching the show that was going on. The threesome was just starting and they stripping each other and making out. Damien could not look away.

"It is going well. So what brings you out here to this part of hills?" he asked and then looked over. They then just finished stripping and the two of them were going down on third. The two newbie's were going down o each side of the porn star. On was taking care of his top and while the other was taking care of his bottom.

"Well I was wondering if I could pull one of my strings and have that porn star help me out for a bachelor party," I said and pointed at him. The scene changed as the then had the porn start between them. One was going down on his cock while the other rimmed him out. "My two best gay friends are trying the knot and I know they love him. So what do you think?"

He did not say a word and was looking over at the scene that was about to unfold. He turned towards me and said, "That does not seem to be a problem. I will work that out and when do you need him?"

"Next Saturday night and here is the location," I said and handed him a piece paper with the address. I walked away from and went beside Damien. I tapped him on the shoulder and nodded my head in the direction of the car. He got the hint and we both took off.

On the way back to the car, Damien asked, "So how do you know them and is he going to be the stripper?"

"Yep and I helped them out a couple of times for photo shoots or getting the locations for a couple of there production shoots. He owed me a few favors, I figured that I could use one," I told him as we reached the car.

We hopped in and took off down the road. We went to catch a movie since we were all done with the planning of the party. The only thing left was to put up the decorations and plan some games. We had all week to plan that out and it would give us something to do while we were at school.

The movie ended and we both went to my house. My parents were away for the weekend so it was just a great place to relax before the crazy week started. We got to my place and just went into my bedroom. He booted up the computer and I went to lye down on the bed.

I must have fell asleep cause the next thing I know was the sun was shining through the blinds of my bedroom. I looked over and Damien is right next to me in nothing but is boxerbriefs. I quietly get up and go over to my computer. I boot it up and start checking my sites.

I looked over at his sleeping body and then turned to face me. His eyes opened and sparkled at me. I smiled back at him and he got up. I noticed that he was hard as rock and was walking my way. I went back to my sites as I felt him start to massage my shoulders. Then I felt him rub his hardon on my ass.

I tilted my head and he looked down at me. We kissed and then he swung around to sit on my lap. I reached down and pull his cock out of his fly and start to slowly jerk him off. He moaned a little when my cold hand touched his hot rod. I whispered in his ear, "So you want more is this ok for now?"

He just looked at me and just mouthed back, "This is great." I continued and start to speed up my stroking. He tilted his head back then I was kissing his neck. It was driving over the edge and then I felt his cock twitch in my hand. He quickly stopped my hand just before he was going to shoot.

He got up off my lap and then got down on his knees in from of me. He unzipped my shorts and I lifted my ass off the chair. He quickly pulled them and my boxers down. My cock sprang to life and hit my gut. He quickly engulfed it and I just push up into his moth as I arched my back. He did not waste any time and soon I was to the point of no return. He felt that and kept going. Just as I was about to shoot, he got off and stood up.

He grabbed both our cock and just jerked us off together. The heat from his cock and my cock just created a blissful feeling the back of my mind. About another minute and we both exploded on each others stomach. He fell into me and I landed back on to the chair. We slid a little away from the desk.

"That was hot," he said to me and kissed me on the lips.

"Yeah it was," I said a little out of breath.

"Well, time to clean up and start our day," Damien said and got off me. He waited for me to get up and we both walked over to the bathroom. He turned on the water and we both hopped in.

As we were in the shower Damien's phone rang. It went to voice mail. The shower water was running down our bodies and we just let the hot water flow over us. It seemed like a long time since we have taken a shower together but we enjoyed every moment of it.

After what seemed to be like forever we both got out and dried off. He went into the bedroom while I finished up in the bathroom. Damien played his message and came back into the bathroom.

"Looks like I got to go help my dad. So I will see you later," he said to me. We kissed goodbye and he went walking out of the house. I was left alone to do whatever I wanted. I plopped down on the couch and just started watching TV. I started day dreaming about the party and what it would be like. Then the image of the wedding popped into my head.

One thing I hate about weddings, everyone is in a rush. I started to think about my wedding and what it would be like. Then the thoughts just vanished from my head. I knew I was getting lost into my head so I decide to go for a walk. I walked around LA for a while and just ending up at the beach. I sat down and fell asleep on the warm sand.

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off. I was not able to pick it up since it stopped ring as I reached for it. I noticed I have 5 miss calls. Three were from Damien, one from Ryan and one from Sean. I listened to my voicemail. Damien was starting to get worried since I did not answer his first two calls. Ryan wanted an update on the plans for the upcoming weekend. Sean wanted to talk in private.

I decided to call Damien first since he seemed to be one with the most calls. I punch in his number and waited for him to answer.

"Hello," he said with some worry in his voice.

"Hey," I replied back.

"Where have you been?" He asked forcefully.

"I fell asleep on the beach and now I am heading home. Nothing happened so you do not have to worry you're head about it," I said back to him to calm him down.

"Ok, well did you talk to Ryan yet?" he asked back.

"Nope, he is on the list of people to call on my way home," I told him.

"Well, you do not have to. I talked to him and told him some of the plans for the weekend. Well call me or text me when you get home so I know your safe," he said to me.

"Ok, love you," I said back to him.

"Love you too, bye," he said and hung up the phone.

I was wondering why Ryan wanted to know the plans but then I just shrugged it off my shoulders. As I was walking, I remember that Sean called me. I whipped out my phone and dialed his number.

"Hey, is Sean there?" I asked.

"Yeah it's me," he said in a soft voice.

"What's up?" I asked him and then the phone went

Sean spoke again and it was softer this time. "Can you come get me?"

"Ok where are you at?" I asked him.

Then the phone hung up. I quickly dialed back and it went straight to voicemail. So I ran to the local swimming area and the door was ajar. I walked in and looked around the darken pool.

The only light was from the windows and it shimmered from the surface of the pool. I noticed something from the corner of my eyes. I walked over to the lump that was on the ground. I got closer and it was just a pile of clothes. I tried calling Sean again.

It rang and then in the quiet room, I hear his ringer go off. I went back to the pile of clothes and I searched through it and found his phone. So I knew he was here but where. I went to the edge of the pool and looked into the water. I did not see a body floating or one sunk to the bottom.

Then a hand reached out and grabbed my ankle. I jumped a mile and screamed my head off. I fell into the pool. I crawled back out and looked where I was. Someone was laying face down on the payment. I walked back over a flipped the body over. It was Sean all beat up and bleeding.

He was still breathing and alert. He tried to speak but I rather him save his energy. I picked him up and his clothes and went back to my place. I turned on the bath since he was freezing. I slowly lowered him into the warm water and let him just soak. I ran into my room took of my soaked clothes, threw on some boxers and grabbed some for him.

I ran back into the bathroom and I heard the door to the house open up. I quickly closed the door and noticed someone was awake. He was looking around and then he saw me. He jumped out of the bath and ran over to me. He gave me a big wet hug and I knew I was not going to let go.

I heard him start to cry and I wrapped a towel around us. I just let him cry his heart out. I figured I knew what happened but I wasn't going speak until he was ready. There was a knock on the door and it was my mom.

"Is everything alright?" she asked through the door.

"Yeah, can Sean spend the night?" I asked back.

"Sure, is he in there with you?" she asked again.

"Yes I am Mrs. Brimstone," he spoke up which shocked me a little.

"Ok you two behave," she said to us and then walked down the hallway.

We both looked at each other and then he let me go. He wiped away his tears and then he just realized he was naked. It was not like we have not been naked in front of each other before but this was a different kind of feeling. His soft 5 in cock hanging lifeless between his legs and he quickly cover his crotch with his hands. I held out a pair of my boxers and he pulled them on.

I opened the door and we both walked over to my bedroom. I closed the door for some privacy and he took a sit on the bed. I knew he was ready to talk about what happened.

"Thank you," he said while looking down at the ground.

"I would do anything for my friends. Are you ready to tell me what happened even though I figured out what happened," I said and then waited for an answer. "Let me guess you decided to come out to everyone. When you came out to parents they did not hear like normal. Then you went to your swim team practice and decided to tell them."

"Yeah, once I told them, nothing happened till after practice since the coach was there. We all got dress like we were friends. Then walking out of the locker room, three of them pinned me down while the last one stripped me of my clothes," he said and then looked over to see them in a pile in the corner.

I noticed a tear rolling down his cheek. "The first time you called me was to tell me you were coming out."

"Yep, so they beat the crap out of me and then right when I was down on the ground next to my clothes. They started to leave but then you called. That is why I was speaking softly. Then one of the boys looked back and noticed I was on the phone. He came back and ripped the phone from my hand and kicked my in the stomach," he finished up his story.

I started to feel bad that I was the one to let him get kicked. I sat down next to him and just rubbed his shoulders. Just then my phone ringed and I knew who it was. I forget to call Damien when I got home. I quickly answered it.

"Hey babe," I said quickly.

"Hi to you too," he said.

"Sorry I did not call you when I got home but something came up," I said to him.

"Ok, anything I can help with?" he asked and waited for my answer.

I looked over at Sean and he just nodded. I knew it was ok to tell him what happened. So I told the story to Damien and I knew the first thought that popped into his head. He wanted to get them back. "Do not do anything without Sean's say so," was the last thing I told him.

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I looked over at Sean and he was sound asleep on my bed. I pulled the blanket over his bed and then left my room. I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat.

My mom was sitting there with a plate of cookies and milk for Sean and me. I didn't notice she was there. I sat down at the table and when she sat down with me, it snapped me out of.

"You ok kid?" she asked and passed me the plate of cookies.

"Somewhat, Sean got beat up for coming out," I said to her and just kept looking down at the table.

"His alright?" she said and left me so I was looking at her.

"He will be but he is all beat up. I saved him but what if it happens next time and I am not there. Plus I do not know if I want to confront them or just let Sean deal with it?" I said to her.

"Want to hear what I think you should do," she said and waited for me to answer her.

"Yeah," I said back.

"You should let Sean decide what he wants to do and stick behind him all the way, no matter what he chooses," he said and then got up.

"Thanks mom, you're awesome. Always knowing what to say," I said and gave her a kiss and hug. She left the room and went back to my room. Sean was still passed out. So I just pull out the sleeping bag and out it on the floor. I turned out the lights and fell asleep.

I was awaked about three in the morning when I felt Sean entire weight all on top of me. He woke as well and did not know what was going on. He was having a dream about what happened. "Sorry Zach for waking you up," he said.

"It's ok, are you ok?" I asked slowly rubbing my eyes.

"No, I don't know what to do. I want to tell someone but I think it would just make things worst. If I fight them, I don't know who would back me up," he said and paused to look at me.

"You know we all got your back. We will always be behind you," I said to reassure him.

"Thanks you, what would you do?" he asked.

"What would I do," I asked myself. I had to think about that. "Well I guess I would confront them and tell them to stop. If that does not work and start a fight I would show them a couple of moves and then walk away when they were on the ground."

"Then that is what I will do, can you come with me to tell them," he said and gave me the puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, do you want Damien there as well?" I asked.

"No, I think you and I will do just fine," he said and then we both went back to sleep.

We woke up the next morning and got ready for school. I let him borrow some of my clothes since his were torn up. Damien came over and picked both of us up. The look on his face, explained it all. I knew what was going through his mind and if we told him we wanted to confront the ones that did this, he would be right there with us.

Sean finally spoke up to break the silence, "So Damien, do you want to help me out with confronting them today."

"Yes I do," he said calmly but I knew his passion was building up.

"Ok meet me after classes and we will all go together," he said as we pulled up into the school parking lot. We said our goodbyes and headed to class.

The day went by quickly and soon we were all standing in the parking lot. There was no practice today but Sean knew these guys would be there just to keep in shape. We walked in silence towards the indoor swimming pool. I knew I would have to keep Damien in check so he would not fly off the handle.

We opened the door and sure enough they were swimming. They got out of the pool as the noticed us. They quickly dried off and put on there trainer pants. We walked over to them and just as we got up to them they said.

"Well, if it is not the fag and you brought more for us to beat up on," the leader said.

"Well if that is what you think, I think I can make a bet," I said to them.

They huddled up and then the leader asked, "What is this bet?"

"Well I was just going to bet you that if I can beat you in swimming you leave him alone," I told them with a smirk.

"You beat me at swimming. Do you know who you're dealing with? I won the last three national swim meets. Got first place in the international, so I think I will take that bet. What do we get if I win?" he confidently said to me.

"You get us as your personally slaves for the entire month. We will do whatever you say," I said and extended my hand.

Then Sean grabbed my shoulder and whispered in my ear, "What are you doing, he will cream you. I do not want to be his slave."

"Do you trust me?" I said to him.

"Yes," he said back.

"Then trust me and I will kick his ass," I said and looked back at there leader.

He grabbed my hand and forcefully shook it. He then ripped off his training pans and stood in his little Speedos. It was about five foot eleven inches, swimmers build and nice golden tan. His hair was buzzed cut and blonde.

"Do you even have a swimsuit?" he asked and was clawing at my shorts I had on.

"No, I will do it in my boxerbriefs," I said and strip down to them.

Everyone was staring at my crotch. The adrenaline was rushing through me and it cause me to get hard. My underwear was all tented up. I looked back and notice both of them starting to get hard as well. Then I looked back and noticed that the leader, which I finally remember his name. It was Ethan. He was pitching a tent as well and that is when I knew I got him.

I walked over to him and just gentle brushed my hand over his crotch. He got weak in the knees and we both walked over to the starting line. We got in the dive position and were waiting.

"Ok the first one to the end and back wins," one of the other people said. "Ready, Set, Go,"

We both dived in and we were off. He was doing the freestyle stroke. He was completely by himself. He turned and was going do the last stretch when I popped up at the end of the lane. He finished but was in complete shock as to how I beat him.

"How did you." he could not even finish his words. He was completely out of breath. "You are not faster then me."

"To be honest with you, I was always better then you. See you think that you're the best at something which means you should not try your hardest. Well I may not be the best but I know to try no matter what happens. So you let your guard down," I told him while getting out of the water.

"Best two out of three. I will be on guard now," he said.

It was tempting to show him off again but my point was proven and I did not need to show off. I just walked over to were the towels were and started to dry off. He came over to me and whispered in my ear, "You better not tell anyone."

"By what ever do you mean?" I said in best southern accent.

"You know what I mean. About you finding out that I was turned on by the site of you and Sean," he quickly said and then started to walk off.

I yelled back at him, "Ok."

The rest of his team walked out with him and I just sat down on the bench. I thought to myself that was a close one. If he was not gay I would have a tougher time. I know if I showed off a little his mind would be racing with questions and not focusing on the race.

Damien and Sean came over to me and sat on either side of him. Damien asked, "So how did you do it?"

"Can not say," I told him and then he looked into my eyes. He knew no matter what I was not able to tell him or Sean how I won. Damien just handed me my clothes and then rested his head in my wet crotch. He stretched his legs out on the bench and smiled up at me. I smiled back and gave him a big kiss.

Sean then just realized what happened. He will still be able to be on the swim team and worry about getting hassled. He hugged me and then let go. He jumped up and was so happy, which in turn made me happy.

My mind started to wonder if Ethan would ever confess his feelings for Sean. We did not have to wait much long for that to happen. Just as Sean was doing his victory dance, Ethan came back in without his teammates.

He walked up to Sean and said in a low voice, "First off I want to say I am sorry for beating you up. Second I was wondering if you would like to go out with me."

Sean was now in complete shock. I got up and walked over to Sean's side. I pinched his ass and said, "The man asked you a question, well you going to answer or am I going to answer for you."

"No, I will answer for myself. As for your question, sure I will go out with you. I guess we can talk about everything on our first date," Sean said and then Ethan and Sean both walked out the doors holding hands.

I figured, he told his teammates and got the balls to come in and ask Sean out since I was taken. Damien walked up behind me and just kissed neck. Damien then asked, "How did you know that Ethan was gay?"

"To be honest, I did not know tell he started getting hard when I was," I said with a smile.

I got dressed and we both we home. The rest of the week flew by and a soon it was time for the bachelor party. Damien, Sean, Ethan, and I decorated the beach house and had everything laid out for the party. Ryan and Bobby were both to come around six and it was five.

Everyone started showing up, and then the clock struck six. I noticed the Ryan's car pulling up the drive way and both them getting out. I turned off the lights and we waited for the door to open. The opened the door and everyone yelled, "Surprise!"

They were a little thrown back and then we start the party up again. I know the surprise guest would not be coming till nine so we had some time to kill. We party and party and then nine o'clock came rolling around. The door bell rang and I went to get it.

I opened to the door and there he was. I looked over at Ryan and Bobby and their mouths dropped to the floor.

Hey guys sorry for taking so long on writing the next chapter. Been working on my first book and it is in the final stage of productions. If you want to know what it is hit me up in a email or if you want to chat hit me up as well. He is my email Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 35

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