Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Jul 14, 2012


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

After the whole ordeal with the psycho in the warehouse, Damien and I were both trying to lay low but you know our life. I think we both had enough excitement in our lives for the moment. The trial date came and went. We did make an appearance and I did take the stand. I was looking over at Freddie; his eyes were glued on me. He did not look away from me while I was telling the story of what happened that day.

I finished my story and was asked a few more questions but my focus was on Freddie. I was trying to read him but his eyes were dark and distant. It seemed like he was trying to burn a lasting image of me since it seemed to him that he will be doing some time. A couple of hours later, the judge made the verdict on the counts of kidnapping and attempted murder. The judge gave him 15 years to life for his crimes.

Damien and I just sat in the court room waiting for everyone to clear out. I did not feel like moving at the moment but seem a little relieved that my stalker is now behind bars.

"You ready to go?" Damien asked me.

"Not just yet, I want to just relax and take this all in," I told him and just sat quietly. Not a word was spoken for the next couple of minutes. Then I felt Damien's hand wrap around my shoulder. He pulled me into a hug and let me rest my head on his chest. I heard his heart beating and it soothed me. I lifted my head off his chest and looked around the empty courthouse. Then I looked up at Damien and he knew I was ready to go.

"We have the rest of the day to ourselves, what would you like to do?" I asked Damien as we got into his car.

"I do not know, how about something simple," Damien replied to me.

"Hmm..." I said back.

"I got it, you just sit back and relax your pretty little head," Damien said and kissed me before we took off. I noticed that he was texting a few people. I think he was trying to set something up. It was a Friday and the weather was overcast. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, Damien was slowly rubbing my chest to wake me up.

"We are here," he said as I slowly rubbed my eyes. I looked around and did not know where we were. It was some place new or to me it was some place new. I found out a little later that it was the night club that his dad worked at. It was about three in the afternoon and we knocked on the door. No answer.

Damien grabbed my hand and took me down the side alley way. It was the employee entrance. This time I knocked on the door and waited. Just then his dad's head popped out and noticed we were standing right there.

"Hey, guys," he said to us with a big grin on his face.

"Hey dad, I figured we can just chill in the night club and watch you practice your routine," Damien said.

"Sounds great, by the way how did the trail go?" he asked curiously.

Damien just gave him the look and I looked down at the ground. His dad just realized that we did not want to talk about it and opened the door. We walked in. I walked in first and walked to the dance floor area. I turned around and Damien and his dad were not in tow. I took a sit on the dance floor and waited for at least Damien to come back out.

"Damien, where are you?" I said after a couple of minutes. It echoed throughout the building. I did not realize how quiet a club is without the music or anything going on. I got up and started walking towards the curtain that I walked through a few moments earlier. Just as I was about to pull the curtain back, Damien's head popped out.

"Yes, babe," he said with a Cheshire grin on his face.

"What are you doing back there?" I said and grabbed him by the ears. I pulled him through the curtain and dragged him to the dance floor.

"Just telling my dad the details about the trail, sorry to make you wait. I will make it up to you later," he told me and grabbed my ass.

I jumped a little and smile at the thought of what might be coming. Just then, the lights to the club were dimmed and the one giant spot light appear in the center of the curtains on stage. Damien's dad head popped out of the curtain. "Usually there is an announcer but he only comes when the club is open. So let me introduce you to the ladies of the famous stage on and off. Please welcome, Cher, Reba, Dolly and Aretha."

The curtains opened up and all four were dressed in drag. My dad was Dolly Parton. They all sang one song together and then exited the stage. Each actor came on stage and sung a couple of their greatest hits. His dad was great and did a fantastic job of impersonation Dolly. I scoot over towards Damien. I wrapped my arm around him and whispered in his ear, "Thank you."

Just then the show ended and the entire room lit up. The house lights went on and then Danny walked onto the dance floor still dressed in drag. "What did you guys think?"

"It was great. Thank you for the awesome show," I told him. I gave him a big hug and then he had to fix himself because I made one of his tits crooked.

Then Danny looked over at his son. Damien was speechless. He just hugged his dad.

"Well guys, I take your silence as a good thing. We are going to practice a little more and you're welcome to stay and watch if you like. Next week, we are going to change it up. Add in some more actresses," Danny said.

"Sure we do not mind, you can try them out on us if you like," Damien finally spoke.

"Awesome, I will go tell the guys and we will get it set up," Danny said and then vanished quickly behind the curtain.

The house lights dimmed again but no spotlight this time. I nudged Damien in the side and he looked over at me. I smiled and spoke, "It has been a while since you seen you're dad perform, huh?"

"Yeah, last time I saw him perform was back in New York. It was couple of weeks before we moved out here," he said and a tear rolled down his cheek.

I wiped the tear away and kissed his lips. I backed him up against the bar and started letting my emotions take over. I was in a playful mood after everything that had happened. I snaked my way down his body and just started kissing the now noticeable bugle in his jeans. My hands on the other hand, were roaming underneath his shirt. They found their way to the nipples that were standing at attention. I lightly teased them by pinching them and circling them with my fingers.

Damien tilted his head back and a moan escaped his mouth. "Oh fuck yeah, Zach."

I knew he was enjoying this and so was I. My teeth started working on the button to his jeans. Finally my teeth snapped the button on his jeans and I was shocked to find what was hiding underneath. He was wearing a brand new jockstrap. I looked up and he and he looked down, I smiled. "When did you get this?"

"A couple of days ago, I was going to show you it but I think this was a better plan," he said with a smile. He grabbed me and pulled me up. He started kissing me and then I lifted him up onto the bar. He laid flat on his back and I quickly removed his jeans, leaving him bare ass on the slick bar. His jockstrap was bursting at the seams. I crept up onto his package that was waiting to be unwrapped.

My tongue started teasing him by licking the sides and I could feel his balls on the tip of my tongue. He arched his back from the pleasure that I was giving him. My hands quickly undid my slacks that I had on and my cock was tenting the black skinny briefs that I had on at the time. I let my cock slip out one of the leg holes of the briefs and just let it rest on the side of the bar.

I pulled Damien so his legs and most of his ass were hanging off the side of the bar. My head just completely went for it. My hands spread his cheeks and I dove right in. He was moaning and groaning. My tongue was just going in and out of his hole. I stood up and my cock was already leaking tons of pre-cum. His ass was ready.

I leaned over his body and started kissing him passionately. I paused for a brief second and looked him in the eyes. His eyes were glazed over with lust and passion. I knew he was ready. I lined my cock with his hole and slowly stuck it in him inch by inch. I finally felt my balls rest on his butt and I stood up again. I started to slowly rock in and out of his body. I looked down at his jockstrap and reached through one of the leg holes to release his monster cock as well. I left the jockstrap on because it was turning my on even more.

"Yeah, Zach, give it to me," Damien yelled out. He did not care who heard him.

"Oh yeah baby, take my big dick in your tight ass," I replied to him.

I start going faster and faster. I wanted this to last but I knew it would end soon. My hand was going in time with my fucking. He was enjoying every minute of this. I thrust a couple more times and then just stuck it all the way in and swiveled my dick around inside him. He then arched his back and that made my dick popped out of him. It rubbed up against his taint. That set me off and I came all over the place. It landed on his legs, butt, the bar and the floor. I just rested a few seconds and went back to work on pleasuring my partner. My lips made contact with the tip of his cock. I just engulfed that thing and within a matter of seconds, I felt his warm fluids hit the back of my throat.

I sucked him dry and he was just panting on the bar. I knew he enjoyed it just as much as I did. I quickly pulled my slacks back up and help him put his jeans back on. It was great timing because as soon as he button up his jeans, his dad's head popped back out of the curtains.

"You ready for act two," he asked us.

"Yep," we both forcefully said back at him with a big grin on each others face.

We took a sit and watch the second show. Once the show ended, his dad came out and joined us on the floor. We all sat for a second and then my stomach growled. We all knew what that meant.

"Let's all go get some food," Danny said to us and got up off the floor.

"Sounds good," Damien said and followed in suit. Then he reached down and waited for me to take it. I grabbed it and he pulled me up to my feet. We all walked out of the club and drove down to Ruby's. We all eat and talked about the weekend. We told him that we are going to have a quiet weekend or at least try to. He thought that was great and wishes he could join us on our peaceful weekend.

He told us about the shows that he will be performing over the weekend and that he would not be home too much to bug us. Then he gave Damien an envelope. "Do not open this till you guys get home," he said.

"You're not going to disappear on us," Damien said with a little concern in his voice.

"No, not at all, just thought you guys could enjoy a day off for everything you been through," Danny said with a smile.

"Ok, well we are going to take off and just go home to rest," Damien said and kissed his dad goodbye.

We all took off and within minutes we were back at Damien's house. I texted my mom that I would be staying the night and she texted me back saying that was good. Luckily, my parents were there at the courthouse early today and knew what happened. I do not think I would be able to tell the story at this time.

"What would you like to do?" Damien asked as we entered his house.

"I would like to just cuddle up with my partner and fall asleep in his arms," I said with a smile.

"Babe, it is only eight at night," he said and I realized he was not tired. We went to his couch and he took a seat at the end of couch. I just lay out on the couch and my head was in his lap. I look like a little puppy dog curling up with his owner. Within minutes I was out. I awoke to the door shutting and realize it was late. I looked around for Damien but he was not next to me. My mind wondered on what happened to him but I figured he just let me sleep on the couch instead of waking me up.

I sat up and noticed his dad walk by the living room entrance. He just walked up the steps to his room. I waited for the sound of his door shutting before I made my way up to Damien's room. I tip-toed past his dad's room and then slowly opened the door. I looked at Damien asleep on the bed and quickly strip down to the briefs I had I on. I slipped in beside him and Damien's hand wrapped around me like I was there the entire time.

He snuggled up to me and whispered in my ear, "I love you." I turned around and kissed him on the forehead and whisper," I love you, too."

I fell back to sleep and next thing I knew the sun was shining through his window. Damien was still wrapped around me and now his leg was hooked on me as well. I was enjoying the quiet morning time that we were having and then felt something poke me in the butt. I knew he was having a wet dream. I felt his dick poke me again. It did not help that my briefs were stretch to the limit as well.

My mind was thinking to options: let my love keep dry humping me or rip off my underwear and let my love slip in my butt and have more fun. I quickly made my decision and reached down between my legs. I ripped off my briefs in one quick swoop and the next hump that Damien did slip right into my ass. I clenched my ass to keep him in there so he would not slip out.

Then I felt his warm breathe on my neck and his grip got tighter. As he pulled me in, I felt his cock slid further and further into me. I was enjoying the pleasure that my partner was doing. He was going faster and faster, I knew his dream was coming to the climax. His humping got faster and more rhythmic. He took one quick breath in and then I felt a quick thrust from his hips. He hit me so hard that my cock just started spurting cum all over his sheets. Then I felt him fill me up and his breathing went back to normal.

His grip loosed up and I felt him fall back to a light sleep. I fell back to sleep with his cock still in me. A couple hours later, I awoke to Damien pulling out of me and I looked over at him. He had a curious look on his face. I just cracked a smile.

"What happened last night?" he asked while rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"You were having a wet dream and torn my underwear off my body. Then fucked the shit out of me," I said and was holding up my ripped briefs.

He started busting up laughing and I joined in. "Sorry babe, sometimes I just get really into my dreams."

"No worries, it was hot but I might need to borrow a pair of underwear," I said and sat up.

"Are you feeling any better? Rested?" he asked and started rubbing my shoulders.

"Yeah, I am just glad that all that shit is behind us," I told him. "How about we go take a shower and see what your dad gave us. By the way, he is home, I saw him come in. He must have been tired because he did not even look in the living room; he just went to his bedroom."

"Thanks and let's go get in that hot shower," he said to me. We both got up and quickly made it across the hallway. He turned on the shower and I spanked his cute bubble butt. We hopped in and cleaned each other up quickly, dried off and back in his room within twenty minutes. "What do you want to do with these," he asked and held up my ripped briefs.

"Whatever you like," I said with a smile and sat down on his bed. He tossed them and a fresh pair of boxers at me. I let the briefs fall onto his bed and put the boxers on. They were American eagle ones that were green striped, one of the favorite ones that I love to see him in. He looked over and whistle at me.

"Now I know what you love those boxers on me," he said with a wink.

I modeled them just to give him a show and noticed the bugle in his boxerbriefs was growing again. I quickly put on my pants and shirt before we were going to start anything. He did the same and we both took a seat on his bed. He took the envelope from his pants pocket and handed it to me.

"Open it," he said and was getting excited to see what it was. His face was all light up like a kid on Christmas.

"Sure thing," I said back and ripped one of the sides open. I blew in it and the envelope puffed up. I let the contents fell out and it was a pair of tickets to Disneyland. Damien thought it was weird that his dad got him a pair of tickets to Disneyland and then a note fell out.

It read: Glad to see you're happy and found a great guy like Zach. It is all that I can hope for. I know you did Disneyland before with Zach but these are special tickets. Go look up the date and you will see what they are really for.

Before I could finish the letter, Damien jumped up and ran over to his computer. He was waiting for it to boot up but I was thinking and just read what was on the tickets. It said it all. The computer finally booted up and he was searching for the dates of the tickets and Disneyland. It popped up and a big smile spread across his face. The dates were for the weekend of October 5-7, an entire weekend at Disneyland.

I finished reading the letter: I have also booked a hotel for you guys. You both deserve the best and I think this will just show what I mean. Love Dad.

Damien quickly came back to the bed and hugged me. Then quickly ran down the hallway to his dad's room. He knocked on the door and his dad answer all groggily. "What's going on?"

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!" he excitedly said and hugged his dad.

Then he ran downstairs to eat something before he passed out from all the excitement. I was following him and looked at his dad with a smile on his face.

"Let me guess, he just opened the envelope," he asked me while still waking up.

I just shook my head and said, "Yup."

He hugged me and then closed his door. I knew he was going back to sleep and I do not blame him. He did come home pretty late last night and I thought to myself, I wonder how the show went last night. I am sure it was great. I finally made it downstairs and Damien was sitting at the table munching down a bowl of cereal.

I poured myself a bowl and sat down next to him. We ate in silence and then he just looked over at me. "Did you know about this?" he asked out of the blue.

"Nope, had no clue what this was about," I honestly said back to him.

"Cool, we are going to have a blast. I can not wait. It is only two weeks away. We need to go see if anyone else is going," he said and rapidly pulled out his cell phone and started texting everyone.

I finally noticed the time and it was barely nine o'clock. No one we knew would be up around this time. "You do know that no one is going to be up," I said and bite him on the ear.

"Yeah, I am just so excited. It will be like a little mini vacation and hopefully have no drama or incidents. No visits to the hospital or anything. Just relaxing," he said back to me with a dead look in his eyes.

"I know how you feel on that," I said back to him.

We both smiled and finished our breakfast. I could not wait to go tell my parents about this. Then it accrued to me, my parents probably already know. Danny must have asked them if it was ok.

I texted my mom and asked if she knew about the weekend. She just texted back with a smiley face and that was all I need to know. "Hey babe, my parents were in on it," I said to him. Our parents are sneaky," I told Damien.

"Yep," he said with a smile.

"Ok, now that everyone knows what we are doing in a couple of weeks, my next question, what do you want to do today?" I asked as I put our bowls away.

"I know what we are doing," he said and pointed to the couch.

"That sounds like a great plan, got any movies," I said.

He vanished and then I heard his dad start to stir. Within minutes, I was on the couch waiting for the Damien to come back. I looked over at the hallway and his dad just walked by. "Have a good day," I yelled from the couch.

He looked over and smiled at me. "You guys have a good one too."

I smiled back and he went out the front door. Damien followed a couple of minutes later. "Did my dad just leave?"

"Yep," I told him.

Damien just dropped the DVD's on the table and grabbed one. He popped it in and seat down next to me. We got cozy and just had an entire day just relaxing in front of the T.V.

Hey guys, it has been a while since I wrote the next chapter here. Hope you enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

Next: Chapter 39

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