Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Nov 30, 2014


Zach Brimstone pt 53

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The sun was rising over the hills of Los Angeles. Yet, it was an oddly quiet morning, no birds chirping, no noise coming from within the house of Zach and Damien. Not even the guest room was in use. The place looked like no one had livedÿ there for a while. Cobwebs start filling the corners and a small coving of dust was on the furniture within.

I am getting a head of myself; let me fill you on the events leading up to this empty home.ÿ I think the last place you heard of was that my love, Damien was raped by my ex Logan. The morning after that happened Sean, Ethan, Damien and I went to the doctor?s office to make sure that he did not get anything. Most of the ride to the doctor?s office was in silence.

Ethan and Sean were driving us since both of us were in no condition to drive anywhere. I was sitting in the back with Damien?s head on my lap. I was just running my fingers through his hair trying to comfort him. I was there but my mind was a million miles away. The only thing I could really think about was how to help Damien and that somehow this was my fault. I was not there for him when he needed me.

We made it to the doctor?s office and we were lucky that he had an opening. We got called and Damien and I went back to the room. We sat and waited for the doctor to come see us. It was still quiet; I could only guess what was going through Damien?s mind. All I knew was I had to be there for him. Just then I got shaken out of my trance whenÿ there was a knock on the door.

We both looked up as the doctor walked through the door. I tried to smile but nothing came through. ?Ok guys, so I can see you just need a check up,? he told us.

?That is not entirely true,? I spoke up and said to the doctor.

?Ok, then what is the real reasons your coming to visit me. Neither of you broke any bones or wild adventures since the last time I hope,? he said with a smile. ?I can see your wound is healing nicely as well.? He pointed out my gunshot wound from a few weeks ago. ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ?Well,? I took a long pause. ?My partner here would like to get tested for STD?s. He was raped last night and?? I started crying. I could not go on being strong any more. After everything that happened, I finally snapped. My words just came out as a jumbled mess. That is when I felt Damien?s hand pull me into him. He hugged me while I cried into his chest.

Damien took over where I left off but in a quiet voice, ?I was raped by his ex for some plan of revenge to break us up and have me to himself.?

?Ok, well you know I must do a rape kit and let the police know since you are both under the age of 18. I will also notify your parents this time,? the doctor told us.

?That is fine, I understand,? Damien told the doctor. ?I finally stopped crying and got my composure back.

?Yeah, thank you doctor,? I told the doctor. ?Sorry for my little break down there.?

?No apology needed. You both have been through so much the last couple of years. It was bound to happen sooner or later,? the doctor came over and gave both of us a hug. ?Ok, so let?s get started shall we.?

?Ok, doctor. What do I have to do??ÿ Damien asked. At the moment, I knew Damien was ready to move on from what happened last night. It made me fall in love with him all over again.

The doctor went into the details of what he was going to do and walked out of the room to get some items. Damien looked over at me and smiled. It was the first time that he made me feel like everything was going to be alright. I knew I had given him that feeling before and now I knew how he felt when I did it to him.

He rubbed my back as we both waited for the doctor to come back. A few moments had past and the doctor was back. He took some blood and asked for Damien to bend over. He took the rape kit and did his magic. It was all over within a couple of minutes. ?I did call the cops and they will be here to take your story down. Also your parents are on the way,? he told us.

?Thank you for all your help,? we said to him. He walked out of the room while Damien was getting dressed.ÿ He finished getting dressed and we walked out to the waiting room. Now for the hard part, the waiting for answers, the cops came and Damien told them everything. I had the DVD on me that Logan made for me.

?Thank you guys,? I said. I got up and walked a few feet with the cops. I handed them the DVD then walked back to Damien.

He had a confused look on his face. ?What did you hand the cops?? he asked.

?I was not going to tell you but Logan made a video of what he did to you,? I said while looking down at the ground. ?I handed it to the cops so they know what happened and they can you use it for evidence if they arrest Logan which is what they are going to do.?

Damien?s hand came into view of my sight. He lifted my chin and kissed me there in the middle of the hospital. ? Just then we heard the doors to the room open up and both our parents were there. They came running up to us and give us a hug. My hand did not let go of Damien?s hand as our parents hugged us. We had our parents sit down and we both told them what happened. My mom cried enough tears for all of us.

After our parents calmed down, we all went back to my parent?s house. They did not let us go back to our house that night or the next couple of nights for that matter. The second night is when Damien started having the nightmares of what happened.

His dad and him left for the night because his dad thought it would be best for all of us to just get some rest in our own beds. We all agreed but I was still a little wary of that thought. I had a bad feeling in my stomach. I was right. We all went to bed.

My phone rang around three in the morning and I answered it. ?Hello,? I said all groggily.

?Hey Zach, sorry for calling so late, can you come over? Damien had a nightmare and only wants you,? Danny said to me.

?Yeah, let me toss some clothes on and I will be there in a few minutes,? I said and hung up the phone. I grab the first thing on the floor which were some white basketball shorts and a tank top. I grabbed my keys then took off towards his house.

I jogged over to his house and was there within five minutes. His dad was at the door waiting for me. He let me in and I went straight to his bedroom. I opened the door and Damien was in the corner of the room hugging his shoulders. I turn on the bedside light so he could see it was me. He jumped up from his seat and latched his arms around me.ÿ His tears started flowing down his face and onto my shoulder.ÿ I wrapped my arms around him as well and took a seat on his bed.

We did not let go of each other for a good ten minutes when I noticed his dad standing at the doorway. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He knew where we belonged and it was right here with each other. His dad left the doorway after that quick exchange of silent words. I knew we both needed some sleep. I let go of him and Damien finally stopped crying and looked up at me. I noticed the first thing I fell in love with.

I know I have not told you guys, what I fell in love with but I guess now is the best time. It was the hidden message behind his eyes. If you ever fall in love, please just take a moment to see what is behind your lover?s eyes. You will be surprised at what you find.

Anyway, I saw everything I needed to get my own strength back. I felt my pilot light burst into a raging inferno. I knew that what we had, even at our worst, it was still our best. I kissed him with all my might to let him know that everything was going to be ok. He kissed me back with all his might as well. I gently laid both of us down on his bed.

I knew that we did not want sex this time around but just to be with each other. I took off my tank top and shorts leaving me in just my boxer briefs. I pull his shorts off as well. I wanted to have all my body parts to touch his counterparts. He pulled me over to his body and our curves matched so well. There was not a part of us that did not touch. From our toes to our forehead, we were one person at that moment and it felt so right.

His member started to get hard in his boxers that he had on and so did mine. Neither of us reached down between us to break our bodies touching. They just stretched the fabric that held them. We moaned into each other?s mouths. We started rolling around his bed but not losing our contact with each other. We would reach one side of the bed then roll over to the other side, doing that for a few moments. We stopped in the middle of the bed and Damien was now on top of me.

I could not last this passion much longer and Damien knew it. We could feel each other?s cock pulsate through the fabric of our underwear. I put all my energy into this one last kiss. Damien did the same. We both moaned each other names into the other?s mouth and then we felt a wet spot between us. We fell apart from each other and on our underwear was a big wet spot from the other. We were both spent.

Right before I fell asleep, Damien crawled up to me and used my chest as his pillow. I was listening to him breathing as I dozed off myself. I awake to the sound of birds chirping outside his window. He did not move an inch while he slept. I smiled at him and looked down his body. I put my hand on his back and started to draw small circles on his back. He stirred a little but then nuzzled up even tighter onto my chest. I realized I could not wake him up so I just wrapped my arm around his body and fell back to sleep.

About two hours later, I awoke to my phone ringing. I grabbed my phone and it was an unknown number. I picked it up and it was just breathing on the other end. I hung up the phone and just placed it back on the bedside drawer. I looked down at Damien and his eyes were just looking back up at me.

?Thank you,? he whispered to me as he rolled off my body. He kissed my nipples and teased me a little bit with his teeth.ÿ He sat up on the edge of the bed rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. I sat up behind him and massaged his shoulders then draped my arms over them. I hugged him and was afraid to let me him go.ÿÿ

I let him go and he dragged me into the bathroom. We hopped into the shower and while we were in the shower, we started talking about what needs to happen next. ?Are we waiting forever?? he asked.

?No, not forever, just until we get the results of your test. Once we have those, I think we can breathe a little bit after that,? I said with a smile.

?Ok, we need to go get our stuff from the house. I think staying here with you for a while will help too,? he said while making a smile.

?Besides that, what else can we do to occupy our time while we wait?? I asked as I was lathering him up.

?I know, we should go hang out with Jackie and Elliot since we have not done anything with them in awhile,? Damien said to me as he lathered me up.

?Sounds like a solid plan. I will text Jackie when we get out,? I said and rinsed off. I smacked his butt a little then got out of the shower. Damien stayed in the shower a little longer as I put my clothes back on. I texted Jackie and she told me that she wanted to hang out with us. She will drag Elliot along as well.

I texted her back to meet us at the house since that is where we are going to be to grab a few things. Damien came out of the shower and asked, ?Are the plans all set??

?Yep, we are meeting them at the house so we can pick up and few things then head out from there,? I told him.

?Ok,? he said and started to get dressed.

I watched him get dressed then we both took off towards our house. His dad was not home to say goodbye to us. He must have been off doing one of his daytime shows. We went over to my house and I changed into some better clothes.

?You look hot,? Damien said with a smile.

?So do you,? I told him back. We hopped into my car and took off towards our house. My parents were not home either to say goodbye too. It took us a little while to get to the house since L.A. is known for its traffic. It was a silent car ride to the house. Both of us were deep in thought but our hands were holding each other along the ride. I looked down and noticed his hand holding mine. I looked at him and he was looking out the window of the car.

I squeeze his hand and then went back to driving. We finally made it back to the house. We walked through the open door since we have not fixed it yet. The memories start to come back and I felt Damien?s grip get tighter. I gripped back and it started to loosen up a little. I was soon off to the bedroom grabbing a few things and shoving them into one of the suitcase that was in the closet. Damien was in the living room just cleaning up a little since it was still our home even through it was a place of sadness.

I was grabbing as fast as I can then my hands came across a piece of shredded clothing. It made me stop dead in my tracks. I held it up and looked at it. A couple of tears dropped down my face as I let go of the piece of clothing. Then I heard a click from the living room.

?Damien, I am almost done,? I yelled through the bedroom door. I quickly closed up the suit case and picked it up. My feet hit one of my throwing knives; I bend down and pick it up. I smile at the thought that I might use it on my ex in the near future. Not kill him but just cut him a little bit to get back for raping my partner.

I called out to Damien but there was still no answer. I was just about to walk out the door and I heard the sound that made my heart sink. A gun shot rang throughout the whole house. My whole body just stopped dead in my tracks.

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Next: Chapter 54

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