Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Dec 31, 2008


All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

I just my lover that I might be moving away on our very first Christmas, I knew in heart that is not the right time but I also knew that I need to tell him. As I was on my knees looking at him, his eyes started to water.

Then he fell to his knees. We both move to the other and just cried and hug each other. It was strange that my tears were both from the gift he gave me and the sadness that I might be moving away.

For the next couple of minutes nothing was said. It seemed like a lifetime went by and now everything came back into perspective. I realized that the news must have hit him like a ton of bricks. We both lifted our heads off each others shoulder.

We wiped each others tears away. Then he spoke first, "Well, I happy for you and I will always love you no matter where you go to. I hope you do not move away. I do not think I would be able to cope with losing you. I wish there was another option that you had instead of moving."

"Well I guess we can just sit here and mope around or we can enjoy this wonderful Christmas. I think we need some hot chocolate. What do you think?" I said and putting on a smile. He just smiled at me and nodded his head. I stood up and reached out my hand. He took hold of hit and I lifted him up.

We both walked slowly into the kitchen and he just sat down in one the chairs. I went to the cabinets and went looking through them for what I need. I found the hot coca mix and then I found the tea kettle to boil the hot water. I got everything ready and then as we waited for the water to boil, I joined him at the table.

"So babe, I really liked your gift. I know where I am going to put it. I am putting on the stand next to my bed, so when I wake up I see you," I said with a cute smile on my face.

He smiled and then we just looked in each others eyes. The kettle start to whistle and I went over to out the water. Then I felt to arms wrapped around my mid section. I fell a little back into my lovers arms. I forgot that I was pouring some hot water into a cup. Then I felt a burning sensation on my hand. I looked down and the cup was over flowing onto my hand and the counter.

I jump from the burning of my hand. "Ouch," I said and blowing on my hand to cool it down. Damien just grabbed my hand I put it up the faucet of running cold water. I relaxed again. I looked back at Damien and then we both just bust up into laughter. I think then we realized that we should just cherish what time we have together and not worry what the future will bring till it is brought to us.

I finished making the hot coca and we both went back to the table. His dad walked in and just took a sit with us. "So. did you guys have a good Christmas?" he asked. We looked at each other and response together, "Yeah, we had a blast."

"So. Zach why are you dressed up to go play baseball?" he asked. "Oh yeah, I was practicing my swing and I like to get into character so I eel like I am there. I guess I forget to change out of this when your son came to get me," I said.

Wow I did not know I could think on my feet that fast, I thought to myself. I looked over at Damien and he had the hidden smile on his face. I looked down realizing that I was starting to get hard again. I knew the Damien's jockstrap would not hide it well and I did not want his dad to see me with a hard on.

I excused my self from the table and Damien did too but his dad stopped him. I went up to his room to see if I could find something to change into. I found some underwear and pants I could borrow. Then I just grabbed any shirt of his. I loved the smell of him. I stripped off the uniform leaving me only in the jock strap which was bursting at the seams. My cock had got so hard I thought I was going to explode.

I put my fingers in the waist band of the jockstrap and then I heard a voice. "I think you look so hot like that leave it on," the voice said.

I took my fingers out of the waistband, I felt to warm hands on my butt cheeks. Then I felt each hand pull gentle apart and then a wet twirling tongue on my asshole. I just bent over so he could get a better opening. I was learning on his bed, when I felt his finger slowly enter my ass. I moan his name and was so much enjoying it; I did not know how much long I could wait for him to be inside me.

I let one hand follow my stomach to my little happy trail that I had. It went slipping that trail and found the waistband of the jockstrap. My fingers went underneath the jock strap and found the hard member underneath. I wrapped my hand around my cock and started to jerk off. I match the same speed as the now two fingers that were entering my asshole. The fingers stopped for a second then I heard the zipped of his pants being undone.

They hit the floor and then I felt something rubbing up and down my ass crack. "Babe stop teasing me and put it in me," I begged for him to do. Then he entered me real slowly. I stopped jerking my cock of and grabbed holed of the bed. I tilted my head up towards the ceiling and then I felt his warm breathe on my neck. He started kissing my neck as I relax on his tool. He felt that I was fully relaxed and started rock back and forth. In and out, I then started to continue with jerking myself off. I let my cock pop out of the side of the jockstrap and I got a better grip on it.

His lips did not leave my neck the whole time we were fucking. Then I heard his voice whisper in my ear. "Please cum in my jock and I will cum in you," he said then licked my ear and went back to kissing my neck.

Then I stuffed my cock back into his jockstrap and jerk off. I knew I was about to cum and my body tensed up. I felt it his cock start to twitch a little as well in my ass. I let out one last moan of pleasure and I shot about four times into his jock strap. Then I felt him unload in my ass. We both collapsed onto his bed. His dick popped out of my ass and we must had feel asleep because the next thing I knew I felt sunlight on my face.

I opened one eye and looked around. We both were still in the same position as last night. I had on the cum covered jockstrap on and he was still had some cum on his cock. I turned on my side and kissed him on the cheek.

He slowly woke up and then he realized that I was right next to him. "Morning babe," I said.

"Morning to you to sexy," he said then looked down my body. "I will want the back so I can remember everything that happened yesterday and last night."

I looked down and then told him, "Go ahead and take it. I am done with it."

He bent down and just took in the smell of cum and sweat that was all over it. Then he put his fingers in the waistband and pulled it down. I stepped out of it and now both of us are lying naked on his bed. He rolled over and just whisper to me, "I do not want to let you go. Stay in bed with me, we have nothing to do today and I am sure you mom will not mind," he said.

"I would love to but sometime today I will know if I am moving away. My mom would want me to be home for the news," I said to him.

"Well can you stay for a just little bit more then," he said to me and gave me those puppy dog eyes. That is when I got up and then pounced on him. We messed around little bit that morning when we heard the door to the house shut.

"Dad, you home?" Damien yelled from the bedroom.

"Yeah I am home. Is Zach still here?" he yelled back.

"I am still here," I yelled down to him.

"Are you staying for dinner, Zach?" he yelled.

"Thanks but I should be getting home," I said.

I looked over at the time and saw it was about three in the afternoon. "Wow I should really get home. Did not realize it was so late," I told Damien.

I looked around and found my baseball uniform. I slipped it on and went commando since I was leaving the jockstrap. I walked back over to the bed and he just grabbed my bugle. I moan a little and bent down to give him a kiss.

He kissed me back and I slapped his bare ass. He yelped and gave me a sly smile. "Next time that ass is mine," I said and kissed him one more time. I walked away shaking my ass at him.

I said bye to his dad and walked out of his door. I walked the three blocks back to my house and I noticed dad's car was in the driveway. I thought to myself I guess my dad has an answer to if we are moving.

I did not want my parents to wonder why I was in my baseball uniform, so I went into the backyard. I climb through my bedroom window. I quick stripped off out my baseball uniform and threw my regular clothes on. Since I knew my mom probably guess I spent the night at Damien's, I should use the front entrance. I climbed back out the window and made my way back out the front door.

I then walked through the front door and my parents were both in the kitchen.

"Son can you come in here," my dad voice asked through the doorway.

I walked in with both of them with there eyes on me. I sit down and both them look worried or just like someone kick there dog. I knew the news when I saw there faces.

"So what's up?" I asked them.

"Well I know mom told you that we might be moving. This was not a hard decision till I found out that you had a boyfriend and made some really good friends down here. That is the reason why I came home before I made my mind," my dad said.

"So what is the verdict so I can tell my boyfriend," I said.

"That is the best part about you, son. You were always able to just getting to the point but I would like to finish the story before I tell you the answer that we both came up with. So where was I, "he paused. "Oh yeah, I came home and saw how happy you were with Damien and you mom told me the stories about how you meet and how you rescued his life. So after she filled me in on the details of everything that been going on here I went back to my work and asked them if I might be able to get start on the branch down here that they were planning to start soon. Well they told me to go home and wait for a phone call."

"Well have we got the phone call?" I asked with some excitement in my voice.

"Nothing yet sweetie," my mom chimed in. "So how is Damien since you were with him all day yesterday and almost all day today?"

"He is doing alright. He is waiting just like us on if I am moving or not," I told them with some sadness in my voice.

"Hey, cheer up. If I know this company we will be not moving any where. Plus I want to meet his dad and we still need to have dinner or something with them. Mom made that promise I am one not to break others' promises," he told me and tussled my hair. "Now I think you need to go shower kid you stink."

"Ok, dad," I said and then left the room. I run down the hallway to the bathroom and started up the shower. I was feeling a little better then I was yesterday after hearing the news. I strip of my clothes and hoped into the shower. I took a long shower and mostly just stood under the shower head and had the water rolled down my body.

Then I heard the phone ring. Next thing I knew the door to the bathroom was opened and my dad came into the saying it was Damien. I reached out of the shower curtain and grabbed the phone.

"Hey babe," I said while standing in the corner of the shower where there was no water.

"What are you doing babe?" he asked.

"I am in the shower. Get rid of the sweat and cum from yesterday," I told him.

"Stop it you're getting me all hard again but that is not why I am calling. I was calling to see what you're doing for New Years Eve. I thought if you were still around that we can go to Ryan's New Years Eve party. I just got a text from him telling me all about it," he said and waited for me to answer.

"That does sound like fun. Count me in, we can all use some special fun that night plus we can kiss at midnight," I said. "Babe I got to finish my shower so can I call you when I get out."

"Sure, Love you," he said.

"Love you too," I said back then hung up. I reached out side and placed down the phone on the sink counter. I went back to just standing underneath the running water when the phone rang again. It sacred me and I almost fall in the tub. I reached out of the shower and answered, "Hello."

"Hello is Mr. Brimstone home?" the voice asked.

"Yeah hold on let me get him," I said then I stepped out of the shower. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I went to fine my dad and found him in the living. "It's for you."

I hand him the phone and then went back to dry off. I walked back to my room and through on just a pair of black silk boxers. I went back out to the living room where my dad was sitting. He was off the phone. He had that look like he has some sort of news.

"Hey Zach, go get your mom so I can tell you both the news," he said. I went running through the house and I found my mom in their bedroom. She was reading a book when I cam running in.

"Dad has some news about the job," I told her a little out of breathe. She slowly got up and walked with me to go here the news. I was happy to finally get the news and see where it takes us.

We both walked into the living room and sat down. Dad turn off the TV and then he was about to speak when the phone rang again. My dad ignored it. The person hung up, and then my dad started to speak.

"Well that was my company and they told me that they do want me to stay with the company. They also want me to spear head the new branch down hair since I was one of the best they got. Yet there is one catch, for me to get the place down here they want me to work closely with them. We do not have to move but I will not be home for about six months. It would be the longest I been away from you guys." He paused. "So I thought about and I want to go to New York. I will work there and you guys can stay here. Damien and you can live happily and when I get back we can all go out and celebrate."

"So when you leaving?" my mom asked.

"They are starting me after the first of the new year. Yet I want you guys to come visit me when your winter break is in February and you can bring Damien if that is ok with his dad. I want to show you guys all the sites," he said with a big smile on his face.

"We will miss you dad," I said trying to fight the tears. To be honest I wish my dad would just stay for more then a couple of days before he had to go back on business. My dad excused me so I could go tell the news to Damien. I knew he would be happy.

I grabbed my cell phone and there was a text on it. I looked at and it was the invite to Ryan's New Year Eve's party. I reply to it as I a yes we were coming to his party. I closed door to my room and then dialed Damien's number.

It rang twice, and then his friendly voice answered the phone, "Hello."

"Hey babe," I said a little down.

"What wrong? You dad said you have to move," Damien said a little worried.

"No I am staying," I said to him.

"Then what is the bad news, babe," Damien asked me.

"My dad has to go to New York and work there till there are ready to up the branch down here. I will not get to see him for like six months," that is when I just broke down. I started to cry over the phone. I mean I knew my dad was doing this for us but I wish he would just stay sometime.

"Babe, do you need me to come over?" I heard over the phone. I did not answer and within about five minutes there was a knock on my window. I looked outside the window and there was Damien standing waiting for me to open it.

I opened the window and he climb in. He did not say anything but just hugged me and let me cry on his shoulders this time. He just whispered into my ear that everything would be alright. Then we both went and sat on his bed.

I wiped away my tears and then looked up at my white knight so to speak. There was only one other person that would be here in a heartbeat and that was Jackie but she was away for Christmas break. Parents took her to ski in Alps for the winter.

Then I spoke, "Would you come with me to see my father off to New York and he said I can take you to go there on Winter Break. Please come with me."

He did not answer. I realized that my door was open and my dad was in the doorway. I did not know how long he was there listening but he had some tears rolling down his cheek. I knew then that he did not want to leave anymore either but we both knew that we had to be strong for each other.

My dad came over to both of us and then spoke, "Sorry that I made you feel this way and sorry to you Damien for putting you in the middle of this pretty little drama."

"Dad, do what you have to do and I will be strong for you here. I will look after mom and then you will return and we can live happily every after," I told him.

He wiped his tears away from his face and gave me a smile. Then he leaned in to Damien and whisper just so much that I could hear him, "You watch out for my boy."

Damien just nodded and then my dad left us. After my dad left Damien answer my question. "Yeah I will be there when your dad leaves and for the trip to New York."

Just then I was so mental exhausted from everything that happened I just wanted to go to sleep. So I kiss Damien goodnight and he exited the front door this time and I passed out.

The week went and came. I spent must of my time with my Dad or Damien. Then New Year's Eve came around. Damien was over here and we both were getting ready for Ryan's party.

"Hey babe do you know what we are doing at this party," Damien asked me.

"Not a clue," I replied back.

I turned around and there was the hottest outfit I had seen him. He decided to try a new look. He had some skinny jeans on the hugged ever curve if his legs and made his ass look just like it was when I first fucked him. Then he had a shirt that was bout one size to small but on him he fit him like a second skin. I just wanted to skip the party and just go down on him right there.

I was in my normal skater type clothes. The baggy pants that hung just blow my ass. The shirt that was really loose and the hoodie that made me look like grim reaper in his teens. We both looked at the time and realized that it was time for us to get going.

We both walk out of my house and we both got into my mom's car that she let me borrow. We drive over to Ryan's house and it was on one the most secluded beaches of LA. It had a back walkway down to the beach and a deck to just stand on and stare out into the oceans. His house was two stories with about three bedrooms and two baths. The amazing thing was that he lived by himself.

We got up to the door and knock three times. Ryan answered the door in just a nice black silk shirt and some black dress slacks. This was the first time we seen him not in shorts or his work outfit. We both looked at each other then back at him. We worded wow to each other and I saw that sly grin on Damien's face. I figure we might just have some fun at this party with the host.

The party was going well and about twenty to thirty people showed up. I left Damien in the middle of crowd that formed around us. I went out onto the patio and just stared out into the ocean.

"Great view," the voice from behind me said.

"Yeah it is," I replied not taking my view off the ocean. Then the voice came walking up to me and it was Ryan. "So Ryan, how come you living all alone in this big house"

"Well I go this house from my grandparents after they passed on. I really have not found anyone that I want or want me. You know must people just see me for my body and not my mind. So my search will continue and one day I will find what you and Damien have," he told me.

"You will find him. I did. You party is great and I love your house but I think the best thing is the view. Yet I wish I could share the view with my boy but it seems he likes the attention," I said and turn around so I was had my back learn against the rail. "So how long is the party going on for?"

"Well I figured at least till midnight then I assume then people will start to leave after that. Speaking of Midnight it's about fifteen minutes till. I think you boyfriend is trying to find you," he said then pointed towards the house.

Inside the house I saw that my boy was looking for me. He then looked outside the window to the patio and saw me and Ryan standing out on the deck. He then walked up the sliding glass and opened it up. "What are you to guys doing out here?"

"Well I was enjoying the view, come over here baby and enjoy it with me," I said to him and patted the rail next to me.

Damien came out of the house and walked up next to me instead of leaning on the rail next time he just hugged me. Ryan knew that was his queue to go back into the house. About ten minutes past of just us looking out on to the ocean, then we heard everyone in the house getting ready for the countdown.

"So do you want to go inside and countdown with them?" I asked.

"No, I like it out here. We can countdown with them out here and kiss under the stars," he said and then brought me in for a kiss.

We kissed for the rest of the countdown. I heard them count back from ten and then everyone yelled "Happy New Years" but it did not stop us from kissing each other. We kiss for about another couple of minutes before I looked over his shoulder and we had an audience. It seemed that a lot of them notice our kiss.

I slowly turned us around and then he opened his eyes and noticed the crowd of people watching us. Then he surprised me my grabbing hold of my ass and squeezing it. Then he dipped me and finished the kiss. We both looked over at the crowd which was a little embarrassed because we caught them watching us. The smiled shyly at us and we gave them a smile back.

They all started to leave but Ryan was still there looking at the both of us. We started back at him and then we all knew that something more was going on. The both of us went back inside and enjoy the party. Two o'clock rolled around and the entire guest besides us left.

Ryan, Damien and I were just sitting in his living room. Nobody was speaking but just eye each other. Damien and mine eyes meet and we both nodded at each other.

"So Ryan we were wondering if you might want to do a threesome with us," I said.

Ryan was a little throw back by my bluntness but then his words came out. "Well I would love to if it is ok with the both of you," he said quiet and not to sound so eager to do it with the idea.

"Well to be honest we want to do it with you since we had that nice show at the hospital. Zach and I have been talking about it and we were waiting for the right moment. The only thing we ask is that we do not make it weird after we do this," Damien said.

"That is fine with me," Ryan said.

"So how do we start this?" I asked since it seemed to be every one's first time with a threesome.

Damien got up and walked over to me and just sat down on my lap and started to kiss me. We were making out and then I felt Ryan's hands roam both of our bodies. I felt his hand go up the front of my shirt and he start to pinch my nipples and I stopped kissing Damien and moan a little from the pleasure.

Damien got off my lap and went down on his knees in from of me. I lifted me ass up off the seat and he just pulled my baggy pants off my body. I was wearing my black silk boxers. They were all tented up and he started sucking me off through my boxers.

I looked up and there was Ryan looking a little lost. I pulled him over towards my face and his crotch was eye level with me so I unbutton his slacks and let them fall down to the floor. He was wearing so black structure briefs. I just went to work on his cock and licked up and down the outline of his cock.

I felt a tug at mu boxers and I lift my ass off the seat again and boxers came off my body. I stopped suck on the briefs that were in from of me and I looked down at my boy. He had already pulled down his pants and boxerbriefs. His dick was sticking straight up at me. It was begging to be touch and sucked. I pulled him up from off his knees and then I had both of there cocks right in front of me. Ryan pulled off his briefs and his shirt. Damien joined him by taking his shirt off as well. I did not know which cock to suck first so I just grabbed them both and starting sucking both of them off.

The both were moan loud and I knew I was totally giving them pleasure. Then I felt both hands reach down and wanted to remove the rest of my clothes. I stop sucking for a moment so they could pull off my hoodie and shirt.

There we were all naked and horny as hell. I was going down on my boyfriend and a really hot friend of ours. Then I felt two hands reach down and started to jerk me off as I went down on them. I stopped sucking and looked up and both of them were making out like mad.

I stopped sucking and got up off the chair. I went behind both of them and I went to start the really fun. I bent my boyfriend over and he was using the chair so he did not fall onto the floor. I start to rim him and then I grabbed Ryan and pulled him over and I was using my finger to warm him up. I knew I had both of them and I was turned on that I looked down from my rimming my boyfriend's ass and my dick was bigger then I have ever seen it. I was ready to fuck my boy and be fucked by Ryan.

I got off my knees and was looking around for a condom. Ryan asked, "What you looking for?"

"Condoms," I answered him.

He left for a moment and I looked down at my boyfriend's face. He was in complete ecstasy. I knew he was having the time of his life. I started to tease him by rubbing my cock up and down his crack. He looked back at me and he just had that look like if you do not fuck me now I will just die. Ryan came back in time and hand me a condom.

"Thanks, now I want you to fuck me while I fuck my boy," I told Ryan.

He did not say a word but just got behind me and went on his knees. I threw on the condom and then slowly entered Damien's ass. Then I felt Ryan's tongue on my hole. I did not know his tongue was that great. I was moaning before he even had his cock inside me. I was slowly rocking in and out of Damien and he was moaning just as loud as I was.

Then I felt it, he was bigger then Damien's but I was able to adjust quickly. I stopped inside Damien as I was getting use to Ryan's cock. Then Ryan started the rhythm and I was following his lead. About half way through this love train, I reached around to find Damien's cock. I wrapped my hands around his tool and with the same rhythm; I started to jerk him off.

I did not want to let him not have any pleasure. I started to go fasted with his cock since I knew that sometimes it took him a little long to cum then me. Then I felt Ryan take a couple of deep plunges into my ass and I then he just left his cock in there. He arched his body up towards the ceiling. Then I felt his cock twitch inside my body. The feeling just was too much pleasure since he hit my g-spot inside me and I also arched with him and shot my load into Damien.

I did not stop jerking and I felt his cock tense up in my hand. A couple of shots of his cum landed on the chair and the rest stuck to my hand. I let go of his cock and then licked off his cum from my hand. He tasted sweet and I wanted me, so I took my cock out of him and then went underneath his legs and lick the rest that was dripping out of his cock.

Then after that Damien just sat down on my stomach and Ryan was sitting next to us. We were all covered in sweat and some cum.

Ryan spoke first, "That was awesome. I did not know you guys had that much spunk in you."

"Same too you, we are glad our first threesome was with a caring and lovely as you Ryan," Damien said to Ryan while fondling my now soft cock. Then there was still some cum on cock and Damien just used his fingers to scoop it up. He put it up to his lips and just teased me with slowly licking of his fingers.

"Do I taste good babe?" I asked teasing him.

"Yeah," he said and then squeezed my cock. I squirmed underneath him because my cock was still a little sensitive.

"So you guy's taking off or you spending the night here?" Ryan asked us and he put his underwear back on.

I looked over at the clock on his table and it was about four in the morning. "Well I think we should just stay here but I will leave it up to Damien if he wants to stay." I told Ryan.

"We can stay and leave in the morning. Plus I think there might be some drink drivers out there, so it would be safe for us to stay here," he said and then got off my chest.

Damien and I both just put our underwear on and then Ryan showed us were the guest bedroom was. We said goodnight to Ryan and as soon as our heads hit the pillow we were out.

Well here is the next installment. Hope you guys are enjoying it. Hit me up with some feedback about the story so far.

Next: Chapter 7

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