Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Oct 29, 2020


Halloween Special 2

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Good evening all you Halloween trickster and treaters. Hope this year has been kind to you and your loved ones. We everything that has been going on in the world, I thought a little treat from all the boys might cheer you up.

Once again, our boys seem to be getting into the more trouble on this Halloween night. Shall we see what Darren and Nolan have got up to at their safest spot they call second home.

Gym Portal

On all hallows eve, I got a text from Darren to meet me at the Gym. It was about ten at night, so I toss on some tight gym shorts and a tank top over my boxer briefs. I jump in my car and drive towards the gym. About twenty minutes later I get to the gym and the door was unlocked so I let myself in thinking that Darren was already in the building setting up our nighttime gym session.

I walked into the gym area and all the lights were turned on. I looked around and nobody seemed to be in sight. I shrugged my shoulders and just started to stretch. After ten minutes of stretching, still nobody had shown up. I did a quick walk around the mat and popped my head into the lockers.

"Hello," I said as it echoed into the empty locker room.

I turned around and walked to edge of the mat. "Might get a few routines in before he comes," I said to myself.

As I got myself setup for the first routine, my eyes saw a small shiny slit of something float down from the ceiling. Thinking it was just some glitter or something, I go into my first warmup set. It was Front walkover to Aerial walkover into a scissor leap. As I went into the Aerial walkover, my eyes noticed the shiny thing on the ground. I went completely over it, or should I say through it.

When I landed the Aerial walkover, a flash of light threw me off as I tried the scissor leap ending. I landed on my butt. I laughed it off and could not help but feel a little different. I did one more run at that routine and the same thing happened. Flipped over the shiny object, flash of light and could not land the simple Scissor leap.

Sitting down and looking at the object it was calling to me to try it one more time. So, I changed it up from Front to back walkover into a back handspring, nothing else. Yet, I did change the direction, so the shiny object was not in my path. I did the routine and as I was doing the back handspring my eyes noticed the shiny object moved right in my path. I could not change my path and went right over it.

That is when I noticed that my clothes that were tight on my body had become loose. My gym shorts were almost falling off my body. The tank top was not against my body. I had to grab my shorts so they would not fall off my body as I landed. I mean nobody was there but still that is a little embarrassing since when I do some routines, I would get hard.

I sat down and was trying to figure out what was going on with this shiny object. I walked closer to the object and it was not just on the floor, but it seemed to be shining from the ceiling to the floor. I walked around it and it look like a split in time-space, but I did not know. So, I went over to another mat to avoid this thing just incase it was doing something to me.

I did two more routines but each time the object would appear in front me so I could not stop as I went through the slip. On my last routine as I was doing a kick flip, both my tank top and gym shorts came flying off my body. I was completely embarrassed and standing in the middle of the floor in my boxer briefs and once again those started became very loose.

I quickly grabbed my clothes and walked pasted a mirror. I walked past the mirror and that is when I noticed that I was not 18-year-old me but somehow, I have become my twelve-year-old self. I know then that I need to stop and get out of here. I was holding my clothes on my body since they did not fit me at all anymore and did not see where I was going walking.

I walked right through the shiny object and just vanished. My clothes were the only thing that was left on the ground in a pile.

Darren noticed the lights on in the gym as he was walking on by. He walked into the gym and as he was about to turn the lights off, he stepped on my clothes. He looked down and noticed the pile of clothes. He held them up and inspected them. He noticed they looked like Nolan's clothes.

Darren walked around and noticed nobody there. He took the clothes with him and turned off the lights. If Darren looked in the mirror, he would have seen me. I need to get out of here and find some clothes. To be continued...

Well, well, was that a time trip. Wonder what will happen with the nude twelve-year-old Nolan, will he find a way out, will get his clothes back, will Darren save him?

Well, let us move on to the next boys getting into some stick stuff.

Left behind

A few days before the grand opening, Caleb and Noah were walking around the kitchen. They noticed a small hole that look like keyhole. "What's this?" Caleb asked me.

"I do not know but that does make me want to use this," I said while pulling out one of the keys that came with the place. "The realtor told me that this key comes with building. They said it was a skeleton key."

"That's so cool," Caleb said all excited and quickly grab the key out of my hand.

He inserted the key and turned it. The door popped up and small cloud of dust fell to the floor. Caleb slowly opened the door and it was dark in the secret room. I walked out of the kitchen for a quick moment and returned with a pair of flashlights. I handed one to Caleb and we both flipped the switch. A flicker of light flooded the small room.

It looked to be like an old storage room. On the walls, there where dust and spider webs completely caked on. I could make out some cans of food products or something which I knew not to open because whatever was in it would stink the place up. Caleb took a few steps in and must have trip over something kind of wire.

We heard a click and buzzing noise like something was powering on or possible off. Caleb reached one of the cans on the shelves. "Hmm, expired 1963," he said.

"Sounds delicious," I said sarcastically.

The buzzing noise started to grow louder as we crept towards the end of the room. Just as I was about to turn back, the door slammed shut. Caleb ran to where the door might have been and pushed hard. I joined him but to no avail. Since our lights were facing the wall, a green glow started emitting from the other side of the room. We both turned around and looked at what was emitting that glow. Our backs against the wall, the green glow start filling the room.

My eyes started to focus, and it was coming from a small half size fridge. I must have not noticed that there before, but it clearly was there now. I felt Caleb's hand grab mine and I squeeze it back. "We will make it out of here," I told him and thinking this must be a bad dream.

"Yeah, lets find a way out and not worry about whatever that is," he said and turned around.

We turned around feeling the wall for anything that might be a knob or keyhole. I heard a creaking noise coming from behind us. I knew that sound of a fridge door opening since I have heard it some many times before. I slowly turned around and within the fridge was white marshmallow substance. It covered all parts, but it was like some kind of sticky spiderweb looking goo. It was hanging all about the door and within it as well. Then with a blink of any eye, it shot out the goo and latched onto Caleb's see thru gym shorts.

Caleb screamed as he felt it hit his ass through the fabric. "Help me," he yelled out. I grabbed hold of his hands as the goo retracted back into the fridge. We were slowly being dragged towards the back wall.

"Take off your gym shorts," I yelled as I tried to pull them off.

Caleb reached down and in one tugged pulled them off. We both fell to the floor and started crawling back towards the door. I saw his gym shorts dissolve into the fridge. Just as the gym shorts vanished another shot of the white goo shot out and latched onto Caleb's briefs, he had on him.

I lunged towards him and rip them off his body. Those too got pulled into the goo. We both turned and scurried back to the other side of the wall. I looked over at Caleb and he was scared yet somewhat turned on as well from the creepy foreplay this fridge was giving him.

Since I was distracted for a moment, the white goo shot out a web which sprawled me up against the wall. It pinned me and I could not move an inch. Then another sting reached out and latched onto Caleb's cock. It was pulling on it and it made Caleb moan uncontrollable. Caleb was now fighting the pleasure this goo was giving him, but it was also pulling him into the fridge. Then another one shot out and latched on to his legs, so he was being pulled faster. Caleb turned and looked at me struggling to break out of my confinements. All I saw before the goo swallowed him up was a moan of my name and his cock unloading into the white goo.

As soon as Caleb was gone, the fridge closed and vanished into thin air. The goo that trapped me vanished as well and I was now face to face with just the puddle of Caleb's spunk. The door opened but not to the kitchen but a house. To be continued...

Seems like some doors are better left shut. Yet, a key like that might come in handy to open this mystery up.

Let's now see what happens in the countryside. Some riding might be necessary for these boys to get there.

Thunder rides again

Two boys just relaxing by the lake, both shirtless. One laying on top of the other just slowly rubbing the body of the other. We see Connor laying on Logan's chest. He looked up at his lover and smiled.

"I am glad we have days like this were we can just relax and not worry about life" I told Logan.

"Me too, going to miss these days like this," Logan replied to me. Just then Logan felt a nuzzle of Thunder against his back. "I take it somebody wants to some love too."

I turn over and look pasted Logan's shoulders. Thunder was there but he looked different. He looked like a nightmare, his eyes were glowing red, his skin was a dark purple with even darker aura glowing around him.

"Um..." was all I could muster out of my mouth.

"What is it love," he asked me. I just grabbed his face and turn it to look at Thunder. His mouth dropped open, "Tell me we are dreaming."

I pinched myself and him. We both went "Ouch."

"Nope we are not dreaming, do you think he is friendly? Maybe he still remembers me," I said trying to be brave for the both of us.

I slowly walk up to Thunder and raise my hand for him to sniff. Thunder takes a whiff then snorts some air back at my hand. "See he is friendly," I said as I turn my back to Thunder.

I should have not done that because the next thing I know, Thunder bites hard onto my jeans that I had on and starts trashing me about. Logan comes running over to me and grabs me to stabilize me somewhat. I reached down and say, "You want me pants, you can have."

I unbuckle my belt, unbutton them and pull the zipper down. Logan did one quick tug, and I came filing out of those pants and land on my lover. I look back and Thunder just tears them to shreds and discards them. I get up and Thunder lunges for Logan's pants. He almost got them, but I stopped him. I mount him as he tried again for Logan.

I pull the rein that I had on him and made him miss. "Come on love, lets ride him," I paused to let Logan reach for my hand. "On him is possibly the safest spot for us."

Logan grabbed my hand but was not quick enough. Thunder bit down and hard. Logan yelped from pain of the bite. Logan was not able to get his jeans off in time as Thunder started taking off at full speed. I on top of him and Logan was within his mouth.

I see something in the distance as we gallop along on nightmare Thunder. A few minutes and soon we noticed it was an old spooky house. You know, just like a haunted mansion you see on TV. Thunder pauses for a moment then jerks back. I lose my grip and get thrown off as Thunder runs off with Logan. He runs straight into the haunted house. To be continued...

Well, one's nightmare can turn into a splitting turn of events.

Well, before we reach the midnight hour and our conclusion to this interesting tell, we have one more set of boys to check in on.

Come hither young one's

We see Damien and Zach, just out in the hills of the Hollywood sign. Going out for a hike on a nice October day. "I bet I can beat you to the top," Damien tells me.

"What happens if I beat you," I ask to see if the prize was worth it.

"You'll just need to beat me to find out," he teased and started running.

"Oh, you're on," I said and chased after him.

A few moments of sprinting, I caught up to him and passed him. As I went past him, I pulled down my shorts and underwear showing him my butt. He whistled and started to catch up to me. He reached me and smacked my ass so hard it left his handprint on them. I yelped from that one, but I still made it to the top of the hill before him.

As both of us tried to catch our breaths, I asked him, "What did I win?"

"Well, you win me for the rest of the day. I'll do whatever you want me to," he said with tease.

I know what he wanted, and I would give him what he wanted. We walked a little while longer tell we found a nice, secluded spot to start my victory fuck. I did not notice that he was wearing a jockstrap, so it was going to be easy to enter him. I got on my knees and gently pulled down the joggers that he was wearing. I got a nice view of his tight round bubble butt.

I as I spread his cheeks to see that pink manhole, I started teasing him by nibbling on his pillow softness of an ass. A few moans escaped his mouth as my tongue started to tease his hole. His whole body shivered from what I was doing behind him. I pulled down his joggers a little more to reach around and started jerking him off in his black and red jockstrap.

I reached around and release his sexy beast from its confinements. A sigh of relief came out of his mouth. I started timing my hand to when I would dive my tongue deep inside of him so he would get pleasures from both sides. I took my prize seriously and was not going to waste a chance to have fun outdoors since we all been inside way to long.

Both of us we in a trance because we did not realize anything going on around us. We did not notice that we were being lifted off the ground by tracker beam. It did not take us into the ship or anything like that but was pulling us to a field and a house off into the distance. The sunny sky turned all gray and stormy. That is when it happened, my tongue was licking air. I opened my eyes and saw that Damien was being pulled away from me towards the house.

I get off my knees and ran after him. As soon as I got close enough to the house, I ran smack in a force field. I looked around and noticed Connor in just his sexy boxers, was to the left of me and there was someone to the right of holding some clothes. I made the thought there might be someone on the other side of house as well.

I slammed my hand on the force field as something appeared at the top of the house...

Well they do say that we can attract what we truly desire. Now onto the conclusion of haunted tales. Hope you enjoy them so far.

Haunted house

At the house, Connor, Zach, Noah, and Darren were all standing on a side of the house. Zach and Noah were facing each other while Connor and Darren were facing each other with the house in the middle.

A flash of lighting struck the weathervane on top of the house and a man appeared. I was wearing a full ring master outfit; it was a pinstripe suit with red and white and black stripes. Of course, I was wearing a mask so no one could figure my true identity, it was one of those jester ones with diamonds and of course it was red and white as well. Cannot forget the top hot but I was not alone on top of this haunted house, I had four sexy lads with me. Each one was tie up and hanging from the railing. Let's see Damien in nothing but his Jockstrap, Logan was with his torn jeans, but you can see almost everything underneath, Nolan reverted to his 18-year-old self but still completely naked and last was Caleb with just his shirt on. They were bounded, gad and just hanging from the ledges. All alive and well... squirming to be released.

"Gentleman, here is the game, we have a time limit to save your lover. Make it through the house anyway possible and touch your lover to win. You lose if you do not make it through the house or not able to touch your lover. Now on to the rules," I paused to see their faces.

I did a twirl and noticed one face was not scared. I expected his not to be scared because of what he truly has been through.

"Nice to see you again, Zach," I yelled out. "Now onto the rules:

  1. No climbing the outside of the house, you must make it to the top from within.

  2. Anything goes within the house, so there are four of you, so help or do not.

  3. There are bonuses lying about, pick them up and they will help you.

  4. If you die and there is time left, I will respawn you. The only way you lose is to run out of time.

Well those are the rules. Good luck. I'll be watching."

I vanished just as I came. A giant clock in the air started counting down from 2:00:00. The doors in front of the four boys open and each other not worrying about the others started entering the haunted house. Just as the last one entered the doors closed shut.

"Well, let's see who we should check in on first," I said to the camera in front of me. "I think Noah will do nicely."

Noah's door shut behind him. "Well guess up is where I need to head, let's take the stairs that are in front of me," he said out loud.

He took the stairs and halfway up they started turn into quicksand. With every step he started sinking into further into the floor. About halfway up the staircase and the staircase has reach up to his waist. Noah reached for the banister to pull himself up when Connor came running by.

"Oh good, now we can see if they will help each other out," I said to myself.

"Oh hey," Connor said as he noticed Noah stuck there.

"Hi, would introduce myself but I think we both have to save our loved ones," Noah said to Connor.

"You're right but I think helping each other out might be useful to reach our partners," Connor said. "The name is Connor."

"Noah," he replied.

"Okay, I am going to pull you out sideways since the whole staircase is pretty much quicksand. Once you're out we can find another way," Connor said to Noah.

Noah just nodded and reach out for Connor's hand. Connor took hold of Noah's hand and pulled. It took a few moments but Connor managed to get him out but there was something missing. Noah's lower half was naked minus his boxer briefs. Noah was a little embarrassed but soon moved forward.

"Must reward them for their teamwork," I said to myself. "Guess my heart is still not as dark as I wanted to be for this." I waived my hand and soon both appeared on the second floor together.

Meanwhile Zach did find Darren. They found the hole on the second floor. Zach was going to boost Darren up since they did talk for a moment about each other. Darren did a running start and placed his foot in Zach's hands that made a step. Zach tossed Darren up. Darren shot up through hole and landed on the floor with his dismount position.

Zach laughed but applauded. Darren took a bow then laid down on the floor and reached out his hand. Zach took ahold as Darren's hand and pulled Zach up. "Thanks," Zach said to Darren.

"One step closer to saving the ones we love," Darren said.

"Wow, people with the same goal can reach great heights," Zach said. "I know your game and you will not win against love."

"I know you're right," I said to Zach as I quick appeared behind him.

"Why not end this now and give back the loved ones that we are reaching for," Zach demanded.

"Then you will not see the specter at his true game," I said to him then vanished.

Just for that, I know I could punish him for that but that is Zach, strong willed to do what it takes to save Damien. They all share that quality. Soon they will be reunited with their loves.

Thirty minutes have pass and they were already on the second floor. Well, the monster will be chasing them until they reach the right door. All four must pass through the door to get to final floor.

All four finally met up in the long hallway full of doors. Each door was a surprise or a monster behind them. First door, Darren chose had tentacles reaching out and tried to pull him in. Luckily, the others were able to free him, but it did cost him his shirt. Noah, choose a door with Zombies but since they were slow, he just shut it. Some banged on the door but then it stopped.

Connor which was happy to see Zach again after their adventures in college, chose a door with a room of mannequins. Yet they seem harmless but when you look away, they would start to move towards the warmth. The curious Connor thought it was not that bad, but he turned his back as a whole bunch of hands reached out of the door and grabbed hold of him.

"Help," Connor yelped.

We all chopped at the arms holding Connor and most of them broke off enough to shut the door. Two were still attached to him and started moving around his body. He pulled at them and torn his boxer briefs a little. You could see just the tip of his cock peek through one of the torn parts. The hands fell to floor and scurried off down the hall.

"I feel so violated," Connor said as he gave a full body shake.

"Okay, had an idea," Zach said to the group. "He said that teamwork is the key. What if we open four doors all at the same time?"

"It cannot hurt," Noah chimed in.

They all grabbed the door handle and opened it on the count of three. All four doors were open, and each had a staircase leading up. They all ran up. As they all reached the top and opened their doors, they all got latched together.

Let me explain, so all four of them were facing a window but their backs were touching each-others. Outside the window, their partners were hanging. If they could reach them, they would vanish back to their place they were taken from. They all went running towards their window but then got pulled back just before they could reach their partners.

They all got pulled back to the center of the room. "Ouch," they all said in unison.

"Okay, there's got to be a way to reach our lover's without snapping back," Connor said.

"I know this puzzle; one will go as the others stay. It will not tighten what is bound to our backs," Darren told them.

"Okay, who wants to go first?" Zach asked.

"Noah or Darren should go first. Their partners are naked for the most part," Connor suggested.

"Thanks," Darren said and took off towards Nolan. Darren fingers reached Nolan's butt. As soon as his fingers contacted flesh, he vanished back into the Gym. A small screen appeared showing them hugging and kissing. They were just so happy, and it showed down below. Just when they were about to start something the screen vanished.

"Here I go," Noah said and took off towards Caleb. His hand touch Caleb's feet and vanished as well. Same thing happened again; a screen appeared showing love once more.

"After you sir. It was nice to see you again," Zach said to Connor.

"It was fun and next time we will meet up in Washington," Connor said to Zach.

"Agreed," Zach said to Connor.

Connor touched Logan's head and they both vanished. Another screen and a lovely screen right before they started getting busy. Screen vanish and I appeared in front of Zach. The scene changed from a haunted house to a living room setting. It had a kitchen, fireplace in the middle of the room and a bunch of doors in the background. Damien was sitting in one of the chairs, but he was still not awake. Zach and I were sitting facing each other.

"You know, you could have just appeared in front of me, Ethan," Zach said to me.

"But where would the fun be in that," I said to him.

"So, what do you need to tell me?" he asked me.

"Do not give me that attitude, you met some new people and truly I would never come between all of you guys," I said with a smile.

"Right, I know that, but it has been awhile since we met and I figured that we would never meet again, to be honest," he told me with a sigh of relief.

"Well, I guess I cannot put it past you," I paused. "I might need your help in future, all of your helps. I was just testing you to see if all you guys would work well as team. That is all I can tell you for the moment."

"Well did we pass?" he asked me.

"With flying colors which is what I expected," I paused once more. "It is time for you guys to go back."

Just then an alarm clock rang out of my phone. I quickly looked over and Damien was just laying right next to me. Was that real or all just a dream?

Hope you guys enjoyed this strange Halloween tale. Who knows what the future holds for all these guys? Let me know what you think should happen with the group of guys. Should I join them all for a adventure that can go through space and time. Hit me up at

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