Zach Gets to Serve

By Jarrod x

Published on Aug 21, 2003


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. Please write: I would love to hear if you like my story. Zach Gets to Serve. Chapter 16.

"Oh, yeh, and we're gonna be dating like usual, ya too, when you ain't got the duty."

Adam was elated.

"But you can't be doublin' all the time with Tom or me....or triplin'' up for that matter. Sometimes, maybe. Other times, you'll be warming up pussy, and playing cum dump for us, right?"

Adam wasn't totally sure, but pretty sure he knew he'd be serving date pussy, too. Is this the way he wanted it........?

Just then there was trompin' on the outside stairs, two at a time.....Tommy. There were no boxers over the naked, kneeling fuckboy's face this time.......

Soon he was back with a washrag, and a small bucket of hot water....locking the door, he moved to the bed, and plopped the steaming bucket between Steve's legs, and also worked a thick bath towel under his butt to catch the runoff. He threw the kid's legs and butt in the air again, and ran a drollop of soap from nuts to tail and with a hand wet from hot water, he lathered up his bud. Ummmm, squeezing the smoothe salve of soap all around those lucious boy balls, and young dickpole. He loved squeezing and having the nuts and dick pop through his soap slick thumb and forefinger. Wheeeoooo!!

Danny sighed, as the drool continued to leak out of the corner of his mouth, past the tongue that was hanging out like a panting dog's, and the spooge bubbled out of his hole, every few seconds, around Bart's newly plunging prickrammer.

"Do you like it, fuckboy?"

"Oh, yeshhhur, Bartie...I love it. I love fuckin' my boy cunt for you. Fuck me, Bartie, pleeease?? Ohhhh....Barrrrrr-teeeeeeee!"

"Oh, my yes, fuckboy, you gonna be fuckin', and fuckin', and guess what? Then you gonna be fuckin' some more, you little twat."

Zach Gets to Serve. Chapter 16.

Wheww! Bart was in a glory he never knew before, and one he didn't know he wanted. True, this all started 'cause of his giving that kid at Middle School a blow job. He knew he drooled to do that for years. He would gawk at those younger kids on the bus to school. He'd whip his dick from the roots after school, and dream about the kids he'd ogled on the bus that day.....every night, too.

And here he was after all that dreaming, and wacking....and being taken over last week by those mid schoolers...and realizing, just today, he wasn't just a cockhound, but man... he loved it fuckin' all....he'd just fucked this kid's brains out, and he didn't have enough of him yet! More.....the kid he stared down at, smiled up at him, drooling spit out his mouth, just like Bart was, and said, "I love you Bart. I uh uh, ungh, been try-uh-in' to say that awl week." Bart stopped and looked into Danny's eyes.

"I loved the tying up, ear-licking, kissin', and cockin' you....but I, most uvall," Danny continued.

Bart was now aware of the kid under him, as more a boy, a friend maybe, a boy.... friend??? He pulled back and lurch humped that little fucker one more time....and Danny grunted. Danny was younger than Bart by 2 years or so, but they were almost the same build...height and all.

"Well, let's just see if yuh mean it, eh, dude. When you're at your buds', will you delete the pics of me yuz all got on your 'puters....starting with your own?"

"Oh, Bart, yes, I'll do it, I'll do it!! I don't know how long it'll take, but I will do it...for you,"

"'Kay, 'at's a good start, and now I'm gonna give yuh the big Q. man. I want that fuckin' Benjy....and then maybe, ev-rey one o'dem udder fuckers. If yer my cockboy, and we're gonna be boyfriends, then soon, we gotta have Benjy on his back right here, begging to suck as much dick as he can get his lips on, while we BOTH bang his lights out!!"

"Oh yeh, Bart...Bartie, I'll do it wif yuh, I wanna, I wanna do anything fer us to be boys togedder."

"Them's the right ansez, fuckboy, the right ansez. Man, my cock is so fuckin' hard, boy, yuh feel it boy...yuh feel it??" Bart wailed down into Dan's face, and hawked him up a gob, and spit it all over Danny's face.

"Uhhhh, thank you, Bart, please spit on me. And, ohhgod, uh, Bart, I feel it, yur big hard cock....feel gooooood, soooooo gooood!" Dan yowled.

Bart fired into boyrut, and pummeled toy pussy, one more time. Boyoboy, how he loved fuckin'! And more, he loved fuckin' this kid! Maybe Dan's veiled overtures this past week, really attracted Bart subconsciously. He started to feel like he was in need of a a different way from just the way he wanted to blow every cute kid on the bus. This WAS special...with Dan, and, Dan wanted it to be so....didn't he?

His eyes rolled back in his head as he threw it back.... closed his eyes and he cummed like he never cummed before. He gooed that boy's pussy, for both of 'em this time. As he got a breath back, and pulled his head back forward, he eased his tail back, and lay chest-to-chest, lips, tongues, and they kissed a lonnnnng time. Bart slid off till they were cheeks together, and Dan licked his ear, "I do love you Bart," crying.

Soon, Dan slithered out from under Bart, and lay him out flat, and licked his new boyfriend from his toes to his nose. He sucked him off once on the way up, and another time on the way back. Bart gave him a real treat, and sucked Danny after he finished the 'round the world tour. All Danny's brain thingers went off when he shot down Bart's wide open, swallowing about heaven......and then they showered, with Dan doing the honors with his tongue up Bart's bunger. As they got dressed, Bart in just his boxers, he told Danny, "Now, you promised dude."

Dan looked confused.

"Benjy....and the others....and the pics," Bart reminded him.

" prob man, I'm on it!" Dan fived his boyfriend, and they hugged, and Dan was bouncing down the hallway, the same hallway where mosta Bart's underwear was strewn by Dan and his buds, just a few days ago. A whistle to his lips, one happy cockboy hit the street with the feel of Bart's prick still squirming in his boyhole.

As Bart watched his cockboy leave, his cock tingled. He was watching Danny's butt waggin' down the street, and his mind went to the shitter at the park...he was thinking about the kids him and Kip had blowed there....

At Shane's, was brandy new fuckboy Adam, in 'fuckboy' on the floor on the other side of the bed, as Tommy came bargin' through the door.

As the screen door slammed to the wall, it hit Tommy in the side as he stopped short, shocked at the site of his lifelong buddy naked, in 'fuckboy'.

He shot a look at Shane that showed, what, scorn? hate? shrouded in his disbelief. He didn't even realize, that his hand had gone to his cock....rubbing it through his pants, with the realization that a best bud had blowed his dick yesterday for the first time. He wasn't even thinking, but he was knowin', that his boyjam, was now in Adam's body. He might have wanted to be mad at Shane, but it was hot knowin' he'd been blowed by his forever bud.

Shane barked, "Get over it shitears! He fuckin' loves it, dude. He's still our bud. He's my love fuckboy, Tom. Needs my meat...'round the clock, man!" Shane waved his prick at Adam, and Tom watched Adam scramble on his knees up to Shane's wagging slab, and wolfed it right in front of him....shame and all....and so good, that Shane knee-buckled in response, just as he extended his hand to Tom. They shook, and Shane put Tom's hand on Adam's bare shoulder.

"Look, dude, don't be mad at me, or think bad about Adam....we're all like we were, but man, we got different needin's. If we can't take care of each other's needs after all these years together, then none of the time meant anythin'. Right?" Shane almost made sense, as Tom reluctantly nodded, then smiled, weakly, as he looked forlornly at his buddy dribbling spit and pre-cum down his chin, from a mouth stuffed with one big boy dick.

As he looked back down at Adam, Shane asked him, "Do you wanna taste Tommy off, when we're done, boy?"

Adam's pretty kid eyes, looked up into Shane's, oh, man, can you stand it? Cock...gooing spit blubbelin'.... lip quiver-crawlin' up and back over boyslab....those eyes, blink once as he nods, 'Yes' to Shane, and then, looks blankly to Tom....and blinks. Tom feels a little better. He sees how much Adam is into this...and them....and maybe most of all....their dicks. He squeezes Adam's shoulder where Shane had put his hand before.

Shane, at his most wicked now, said, "Oh, and yeh, Adam's gonna build us a 'farm system', too...aintchu, Fuckboy?"

As Adam nodded, Tom said, "What?"

"Fucker's gonna line us up some prospective fuckboy dudes, around school and wherever he finds a kid's tongue out fer dick. Gonna line us up some cash, too, so we can live high, dude."

All of this must've shocked Tom's system, coming all at once, and he just bust out laughing at the three of them living it up off a boy's ass....a buddy's ass....Adam's ass!! They fived over that, just as Shane buckled and shot his load up inside Adam's face, and grabbed Tom's shoulder for balance.

When Shane recovered, Tom let go and took a sprawl on Shane's bed, as he opened his pants and slid 'em down, crooking his finger to Adam...."Here 'tis Fuckboy," Tom beckoned, whipping his dickhead through the fly in his boxers. "Eatcher buddy, dude.... man...think about it!! This here's a cock you been dreamin' about fer prob'ly, well, since a couple years! You been beatin' off dreamin' 'bout our cocks....huh??"

Adam's face reddened as he climbed between Tom's legs, nodding his head.

Boy, it didn't take Tom long to get over the shock of Adam puttin' out, did it? Man, dontchu know it......a boy's cock makes ever'thin' simple.

Tom looked at Shane, and said, "Man, is that somethin' or what? And now he's even gonna sell his ass fer us. Here, man! Suck me, Fuckboy. So's since you lined up fer Shane awready, yer first rookie goes between MY legs, eh?"

As Adam nodded, 'Yes', Shane, said, "Yeh, he already knows he has to set his best buds up first, and then we'll just have him line up some variety," Shane said, snickering.

Tom joined in the lechery, as he pulled Adam's face over his boydong.

"He's even gonna line himself up a fuckboy," they both laughed. "Oh, and on dates, he comes along sometimes, and performs muff dive and cum dump....dude....I can't wait. Pitcher it! His face under yer nuts while yer bangin' away, and when he ain't glomming yur balls, er yur hole, he's spit slicking yur pumpin' pecker...even gettin' him some cunt juice! Man o' man...can you stand it? I've already lined up a date, Joanne....fer a 'wet run', so to speak." They bust out laughin' again.

"Umnpphh," Tom was really getting into it now, and he lurched up, and flipped Adam onto his back, sprawled over him and face-fucked him till the whole bed was bouncing on its springs, and Tommy was brought off in wild lust as his dick sank through his lifelong buddy's throat, and Adam took it almost smoothly, and swallowed over his crying friend who was shooting a massive spunkwad straight into him. The sensations were so fantastic, and electrifying, that after being totally rigid, for long seconds after the final cum shot......Tommy flopped to Adam like he was dropped.

"Errrrmmmphhhht," was what they heard from poor Adam, stuffed, pumped and deflated underneath.

While Adam was squirming to free himself, Shane was hauling Tom off of him, Adam gwawking as he sucked in the air.

"Some suck, man!" Tom yelled. "I might not have to cum again after that til, well, a few minutes..." and they all were hysterical, and punching at each other.

As Shane planted his cock on Adam's pursed lips, he said, "Give us a kiss, Fuckboy, and then you might as well get dressed and hit the trollin' trail. You gonna hafta come up with a pussy queer fuckboy for your bud, Tommy, here, right quick."

A smacky kiss to Shane's dickhead, and he pulled Adam to his feet. Adam was about getting his clothes on, while Tom just lay there enjoying his still soggy cock in his hand, and floppin' it this way and that.

With a wave, Adam was out the door, shortly, with a "Bye, sir," to Shane, who waved, and told him he and Tom would pick him up for school in the morning with fuckboy Zach at the ready, "Oh," Shane said, and bring some shootoff fer Zach, too, Tommy".... and then headed for the shower....Tommy had dozed off in Shane's bed.

Soon out of the shower, Shane swaggered through the breezeway to the mainhouse upper hallway, and down to Casey's room, with a towel around him.

He bashed Casey's door open, and Casey at first sight of Shane, hit the floor to his knees, tongue out in full 'fuckboy'. "Call yer fuckboy, turdball, and let him know he's got the car duty before school, and to be on the corner on time."

"Yessir," said Casey, and Shane was gone. "Wheww!" Casey exhaled. His brother really scared the shit out of him sometimes.

Adam was jogging by the park on his way home, but also from now on, forever on troll. There was bike against the tree next to the restroom. He took a left and headed for the toilet.

Speaking of Fuckboy Zach, there, in his locked bedroom, between Stevie's upturned legs, were Steve's lathered up nuts and dickhead, poking between Zach's fingers as he readied the boy for the final pussy hair stubble purge, with the safety razor. He decided he'd go with the soap, and not bother with the shave cream, and wielded his trusty razor, over the already near bare pubes, tightly pulled nutsack, and then around the newly rock hard dick root. Stevie jumped and scared Zach with the razor about to scoot right down his boypole..."What the fuck? Yuh want me to slash your prick, you dick?"

"Ahhhh, no man, nooooo!! The soap, Zach...the soap got inside my it stings!"

"Good for ya! You deserve it fer being sucha asshole," Zach yelled. Then, expert cockman that Zach was now, with a full week in service, he wiped the kid's prick tip with his finger, then licked and sucked out the pisshole.

"Phwhoooooo!!! Oh, Zach....Za-a-a-a-ch. That feels so gooooood!" Steve squealed, his toes curling up on him.

Zach smiled, and said, "Yeah, man, I know....I sure know!" And then he felt Stevie go hard steel and start pulsing, and he shot his mouth over the cockhead as the kid fired a record wad. After he finished pumpin', Zack looked up at him with a chin of soapy lather, and mouthful of boy spooge and cock, at Stevie's sheepish grin, while the boy kept bucking and bouncing in his aftercum spasms.

Swallowing, Zach then said, "I see we gotchur gun all cocked, eh, Fuckboy?"

"Errrrrr, ooph, yessir," Stevie cooed....the fuckin' kid was glowing.

And soon Zach was back to his cock and pussy shaving. Now he bent Steve all the way back, had him pull his tail open, and went into the crack smoothely gliding through the lather taking any cunt hairs out of his new fucktoy's hole. He first ran down each cheek side, rinsed in the hot water, and went back into the boy crease time after time, digging in, then gliding out and rinsing, and then wiping with a wet fingers, he checked after drying with the end of the towel, for any pussy stubble.

Finally pleased, he finger wet the boy's entire crack and pucker....even drilling his finger all the way in there. Then after wiping him dry, Zach tongue-whipped his entire slot to his balls and sucked them in his mouth, too. He was wilding poor Stevie...crazed as he was, now kicking his legs, and pounding his fists into the bedcovers.

In a flash of action, Zach smoothed alcohol filled hands over the entire pubes, and dick and balls and hole, and said, "Howzat feel big boy!" as the cool feel gave Stevie a whole new sensation....and Zach said, "howzat feel with all them bare hairs, eh??!"

"Ohgod,'s soooo goood. Just you holding my cock and my balls and, and, oh it's so n-i-i-i-c-e!"

Zach cleared the bed of all the shaving junk, and came back with the baby oil, swabbing his new fuckboy's toybox. "Getchu ready Fuckboy.....ahmena bang you intuh next week!"

The oil, the finger.....two fingers....and winding, and sinking, and in, and out, and boycock!!! Zachiecock!!!

"Fuck you, Fuckboy! Fuck you! Fuck you! So tell yur in next week it Tuesday, Wednesday....whut?"

"Ungh, uhuhuhuh, ohhhmungh, uh, oh Zach, I ungh, uh, think it's next Friday, ohhhhh, it's so's zingy-burning my boyhole so bad.....sogoooooooooood!!!! Fuck me Zachie. ohmigod! Fuck me so much!"

Zach pumped Stevie's still sensitive, and hair-bare boypud, and soon, Stevie was bouncing up to meet his boyfucker, stroke for stroke. His mind rolled back as his wild eyes closed and revisited all those day and night dreams and fantasies he had these past years playing and jackin' thinking of the boy next door.....and now, right here, in that same boy's dreamy bed, he's on his very cockpole, the boyrod of his dreams........tears were streaming from his eyes, and he shot his jizz, "Oh, man, ahm cummin' soooogooood. Unnnnnngh,'s so fuckin'...oh, Zachie beat me, beat me, ahhhggggh!" Stevie squealed as he shot all over the both of them. There was just so much cum. The kid shot plops! Not spurts, but blobs....whole fuckin' cumpuddles! Zach's pumping hand was covered in Stevie jam, which he fed to Steve who anxiously glommed and tongue swiped it off. Zach reached out and snatched Stevie's boxers. He carefully wipe-collected the gobs of Stevie-jelly, the also carefully folded the shorts for Steve to take home with him.....hmmm....Zach was saving a treat for Steve's dad, looked like. What a good fuckboy!!

No slouch himself, Zach was poundin' his prick into that boy so hard, you'd think he was drillin' him a new shitter! The smoothe cum of the professional fuckboy.... "Oooooooooh, my man, my Fuckboy, do I just love giving' you the spooge enema up your pussy, boyfuck!"

Zach calmed...quieted...then bent forward, kissed Stevie's cum-sloppy lips, for a long moment. Then, he lurched back and out of Steve, and burrowed under his bunger, and ate the little mother out. Oh, man! Oh, man! He ate him a jellyhole! Stevie giggled and squealed and kicked his airborne feet with glee. Zach literally sucked every dram of boyjizz out of that hole. Sitting back, he reached his hands to Steve....who grabbed 'em, and was pulled up to sitting. Zach put his hands on both Steve's shoulders, looking straight into his eyes, saying, "We fucked and all nice, my man....but yuh know that don't change anythin'....yur still a fuckboy."

Steve nodded, with yet a bright and anxious look at his longtime friend.

"Now get to the floor, on yer know, like it'll always be fum now on. Crawl anytime you move in here. Go to the door, and check for an empty hall and bathroom. Crawl over and get the water ready for my shower. You'll be washin' and tonguin' me a lot from here on, boy! Later on we'll work out when you'll come up in the mornings and service my cock and other needs 'fore school. Oh, and there'll be times I'll need your mouth at school, and right here afta school, too. Got that?"

"Oh, yes SIR...Zach, sir!" and Stevie dropped to a crawl to the door, and then was tail-waggin' across the hall to the shower.

When Zach got to the bathroom, Steve was on his knees, hands and feet crossed, head down, tongue out, waiting for the master he'd been waiting to serve, maybe, well, for at least a few years.....

Later that day......


"Hey, Benj....Danny.....busy?"

"Nah, jus' here beatin' ma meat," Benjy answered.

"How's'bout I come over, and beat it wit'cha?" Dan said.

"Fuckin' eh...comeon over."



"Yessir," Zach answered.

"Shane says you got the duty in the on the corner on time," Casey told him.

"Yessir....I will."

'Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz," Casey's room intercom went off. "Yeh?" Casey answered.

"You're fuckboy in the mornin', whizzer. Be here," Shane yelled.

"Yessir, Shane, sir, yessir."

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Next: Chapter 17

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