Zachary and Jonathan

By Kevin Cox

Published on Jun 4, 1999


First I'd like to state that this story is totally fictional (although I'd love it to be true) and involves boy/boy sex if you feel uncomfortable with it don't read any further. Also this story involves real life celebrities but as I said early none of this is true.

Jon slid Zach's cock out of his mouth and got off him. The two lovers kissed passionately before going for the hunt of their scattered clothes. Jon kept staring at Zach's awesome body, the whole time they were dressing up, he got so aroused by the muscle boy that his cock went straight back to hard which showed quite a bit in his pants. Zach saw it and smiled.

-"Jon!, you can't get enough of it can you?" -"I can't get enough of you, that's my problem, I want you so bad" -"Can't you wait for us to be at home `cause if don't get out fast the security guard will lock us in" -"I wouldn't mind getting locked in with you, Zach!" Jon said knowing it was way too risky to stay but just enjoying the idea of a night locked in with nothing else to entertain him but Zach's naked body. -"Oh my god! I'm going out with a nymphomaniac!" Zach said jokingly. -"All guys are nymphomaniac, you chose the wrong sexual orientation if you want sex only once per week."

They both laughed and then kissed before leaving the room. Jon was leading the way and Zach took the occasion to look at Jon's butt very well outlined by his jeans. It was his turn to be aroused and he couldn't resist his sexy partner and grabbed his butt cheeks which made Jon react strongly. He looked around nervously and then turn to Zach.

-"What are you thinking, if someone had seen this--" he shouted. -"Don't worry, Jon nobody's there and it's your fault: you're too sexy and I can't control myself when you put your cute ass on display like that" -"Oh, it that so, I apologize then, I'll try to be less attractive from now on" -"Never!! Never do that"

They started walking again and this time Zach kept his hands to himself. The drive home was fast, each one looking forward to getting home to undress the other. The second they were in the house, they began kissing passionately. In no time, Jon got Zach's shirt off and began playing with his already erected nipples rubbing and squeezing them making a bulge appear in Zach's pants. While his partner was caressing his nipples, Zach's was busy undoing Jon's jeans, getting them down to see Jon's dick clearly outlined under his boxers, Zach began to rub Jon's manhood through the fabric of his underwear. Jon left Zach's well built chess to go down and get his pants off which he did quite fast looking forward to the sight of Zach's hard cock. Before removing Jon's boxers Zach got his lover's T-shirt off and then the two young men pull each other's underwear down. Jonathan was always amazed by the size of Zach's cock which made his 7" cock look small in comparison. They kissed again, their naked bodies pressed on each other and their hard cocks rubbing together, increasing both their excitement. Zach broke the kiss and whispered in Jon's hear:

-"I want your cock in my ass"

Jon was surprised by his friend's demand but really wanted to do it, the only thing he feared is that Zach would want to return the favor and he wasn't sure if he wanted his 9" long and very thick stick tearing through his ass but then he knew Zach would never force him to do something he didn't want to so he nodded and he and Zach ran up to his room where the hot young stud took out a bottle of Vaseline from under the bed, Jon realized his friend had everything planned from the beginning. Zach took some Vaseline in his hand and started rubbing it on Jon's hard dick until it was slick enough. Then Zach laid on the bed on his back, with his hard cock pointing up and his ass hole showing for Jon. The young actor looked at his co-star strong body and his cock hardened even more, he licked one of his finger and slowly entered it in Zach's ass hole, his finger slid easily in Zach's hole and Jon suspected that his friend had already had a finger in his ass probably his own. Zach let out a loud moan which encouraged Jon to continue his finger fucking. Zach was stroking his cock , Jon got his free hand on Zach's cock and started moving it in coordination with Zach's hand. Still jacking off Zach's cock, Jon entered two extra fingers in Zach's tight ass hole and began going in and out, making Zach tremble with pleasure. Jon kept this up for a couple of minutes and then got his fingers out and probed Zach's hole with his cock head. He looked deep into Zach's eyes and saw there was no need to ask if he was ready, the look on his pretty face said everything. So Jon slowly got his cock in the tight ass hole. Zach was in pain, Jon's thick cock was hurting like hell as it pushed deeper in his ass. He knew it was supposed to hurt the first time but he was starting to question if all this pain was worth it. He was in such pain that his dick began softening. When Jon's cock was completely in, the pain Zach had felt was gradually replaced by the great feeling of having a hot hard dick inside his ass and his own dick went back to full erection in a matter of seconds.

Jon which had stopped after he realized Zach's cock was getting soft, smiled when he saw his friend's cock grow back in his hand. Even if Zach was hard, Jon wanted to be sure he was OK so he asked: "Do you want me to go on?" Zach nodded and Jon reassured began moving his hips, slowly thrusting his cock in and out of Zach's tight hole, Jon was happy Zach wanted to go on because he loved the feel of Zach's hot hole around his hard cock, he was enjoying it so much he now moved his hips at a quite fast pace. Zach still felt some pain as Jon rammed his hole but the pain so little in comparison to the tremendous pleasure Zach felt each time Jon's cock entered his ass. He was having so much pleasure, he had to stop stroking his cock to prevent him from shooting his load too soon. Jon was so overwhelmed with pleasure that he didn't noticed Zach was so close to cumming so he continued jacking his cock, it was too much for Zach who let out a long moan, Jon realized Zach was cumming when the first shot hit Zach's c chest so he quickly got his mouth over the thick shaft just in time the catch the rest of Zach's load. The taste of Zach's cum and the hot feeling of his tight ass around his cock made him loose it and Jon's cock began to shoot hot sperm in Zach's ass. When they both got finished shooting, Jon slid his cock out of Zach's hole, licked the cum of Zach's chest and then collapsed on him. He felt Zach's softening cock against his bare chest, suddenly he felt very tired and he drifted to sleep. Zach looked at his lover sleeping for some time and then his arms around Jon he fell asleep too.

Taran didn't sleep well that night, he was lying on his back next to his girlfriend, eyes wide opened and his cock rock hard. His head played back the video of Zachary and Jonathan sucking each other off over and over again. What was really getting to him was the fact that he creamed his pants watching the two young stud blowing each other and also the fact that he was still hard thinking about it. He thought that his reaction to what he had seen was too strong, that a straight guy wouldn't have gotten a hard on and even less would have cummed. "Maybe I'm gay", he thought but looking at his girlfriend lying next to him, he knew it wasn't the case. "Maybe I'm bisexual or just curious, it was after all, the first time I looked at two guys going at it." As his thoughts progressed he realized that he really wanted to try having sex with a guy, just once to see what it's like. Unconsciously, Taran had started stroking his cock while thinking what it would be like to suck Jon or Zach or both of them. Soon, he was on the brink of cumming, he didn't want to make a mess so he got up from bed and went to the bathroom to finish jacking off. He stroked himself thinking about Jon and Zach's hard cock and those image made him go over the edge very fast and his cock began to shoot his load in the toilet. After cleaning up, he got back to bed and went to sleep almost instantly.

Zach had a soccer game in the morning and was now sliding his soccer short over his briefs, his every movement followed closely by Jon. Jon was still naked and was lying on Zach's bed trying to tempt him by caressing his beautiful body.

-"You know you are very sexy in that outfit but I think I like you even more without it." Said Jon looking at Zach putting his soccer shirt over his muscular chest. -"Well I won't be the only one who will look sexy `cause you're getting my old uniform on and you come with me. Yan isn't back, we need you" -"Wow, that about short notice, what's Yan problem?" -"Broken ankle, now get the uniform on and some underwear too" -"Yes, boss!" Jon said heading for Zach's drawers were he picked one of Zach's pair of briefs and put them on. They were a little loose but Jon thought it would make it easier for Zach to get them off later. He then got the soccer uniform on and followed Zach down the stairs, just before getting out of the house they kissed for a long moment knowing they wouldn't be able to do it once outside.

The game was a pretty long one, the two teams had both really good defense and near the end of the game it was still 0 to 0 but one minute from the end, Zach got through the other team's defense and place a shot that went right in the net, giving his team the victory. Then the winning team went back to the locker room carrying the man responsible for their victory on their shoulder. When they arrived in the locker room they got Zach down and everyone began undressing to take their showers, everyone except Zach and Jon who sat down on the bench and watched the other boys take their shower. For the first time, Jon looked at his teammates naked bodies, the time before he had been too busy looking at Zach's cock to notice the other guys. Most of them were really cute with well built bodies but one of the guys caught his attention, it was Jason, he was part of the team's best defense player. He was about Jon's height, with strong arms and pectorals, he had perfect washboard abs, Jon estimated his cock would be at least 7.5 inches long when hard but what Jon looked at most was his pretty face, he had beautiful green eyes, short spiked dark brown hair, a very cute smile and lips... Jon's thoughts were stopped by Zach's elbow hitting his side. He turned to Zach which did not look very happy.

-"Why are you checking out Jason like that?" Zach asked. -"I wasn't checking him out" Jon answered realizing, he was lusting at Jason's body just next to his boyfriend. -"Ah! Come on, don't take me for a fool, you had your eyes all over him and if you weren't looking at his naked body how can you explain this" Zach said pointing at Jon's bulging shorts. -"OK, maybe I was checking Jason out but you gotta admit he's hot." -"Yeah, you're right", Zach said looking at Jason" and we are in a shower full of naked guys we'd be fools not to look" he continued with a smile on his face. Jon was relieved by Zach's smile and they looked discreetly at all those naked bodies until everyone came out of the showers.

The moment the door closed behind the last guy, Zach and Jon removed their shirt, slid their soccer short and underwear down and started kissing passionately. The kiss lasted almost five minutes and when they separated their lips, Zach got up and walked to the showers, he turned one on and signed Jon to join him which he did immediately. They kissed again under the hot water, Zach's hands were grabbing Jon's firm buttocks and Jon was caressing Zach's back. Jon broke the kiss and whispered: "I have a present for the man who led our team to victory" as he said that he slowly got on his knees and right in front of Zach's 9" boner. Without any hesitation, Jon grabbed Zach's big balls and started licking them one by one tasting the sweat and the water running on them. Then without quitting his balls sucking Jon slowly entered three fingers in Zach's ass hole. In response to Jon's fingers penetrating him Zach let out a long moan of pleasure. Jon left the wet balls to start licking under the sensitive head of Zach's cock. Zach was moaning very loud now and was calling Jon's name, he was in heaven, the water hitting his cock head added to the sensation of Jon's tongue. Precum was oozing from Zach's cock and Jon was doing his best to lick it before the shower water had time to wash it away. Then Jon got his lips around the Zach's cock head and got down on it, Jon realized he was able to take more than before, Zach realized it too and that to his great pleasure. Jon started going up and down on Zach's cock matching the movement of his fingers going in and out of his hole. After ten minutes of fast sucking Jon felt Zach was close to cumming so he got the hard dick out of his mouth and started teasing the head with his tongue. Without any warning the first cum shot came and hit Jon's face and then the other loads hit his chest, when Zach was done Jon was covered with cum, the young man licked every drop that was accessible to him and Zach leaned on him and began licking his own cum which tasted different from Jon's but still was very good.

When every drop of cum was gone Zach was already back to full erection and had one strong desire, fucking Jon's ass like Jon did to him the night before. He gave Jon a quick kiss on the lips and said: "I want to fuck that cute butt of yours" Jon was clearly uncomfortable, he never had anything up his ass hole not ever one finger and the idea of Zach's massive cock entering him frightened him but he didn't want to disappoint Zach.

-"Uh--mmm--Zach I don't know your cock is so big and--well--unlike you I never fingered my hole--I don't know if--" -"Don't worry Jon I won't do it if you think you're not ready, if you want I'll just finger fuck you to help you get used to it, that's OK?"

Jon nodded and laid back on the wet tiled floor of the shower, Zach leaned over him and licked one finger before slowly inserting it in Jon's virgin hole. When Zach started moving his finger up and down, he saw the expression of pleasure on Jon's face, so he placed a second finger in Jon's tight hole. Jon felt some pain while the second finger was inserted but it quickly disappeared and left only the sensation of pure pleasure. Jon was enjoying Zach's fingers in his butt and wondered why he was afraid of having his friend's cock in his hole since Zach's fingers felt so good, his hot hard dick must be ten times better, he thought. When Zach entered a third finger, Jon was surprised by how it hurt and as the finger made his way through his hole and he got the answer to his question, if three fingers were so hurtful then a thick 9" hard shaft would be torture but slowly the pain got away and the pleasure returned as Zach's fingers went in and out of his hot hole.

Still going on with his finger fucking, Zach wrapped his mouth on Jon's cock head and started to lick it and go up and down on it. Now Jon wasn't hurting at all he was in ecstasy from both Zach's fingering and sucking. Zach's fingers were entering Jon at the same time that his mouth went down on Jon's cock. The young actor kept this up for about ten minutes, sucking and fingering his friend simultaneously, his cock leaking precum all over the floor while Jon's precum leaked in his mouth. Then Zach felt Jon's cock pulsate which indicated he was going to cum. Jon's cock began shooting hot cum in Zach's waiting mouth, Zach savored the hot liquid, intentionally letting some leak out of his mouth just for the pleasure of licking the semen off Jon's cock and balls. Zach, then kissed Jon giving him a taste of his own cum. The couple got up and closed the water, they got to their gym bags and began dressing up.

-" I'm still so horny, I want you so much" Zach said while getting his briefs over his still rock hard cock. -"You know we gotta go, we can't be both late two days in a row, people will start to suspect something" Jon answered. -"The worst part is that after the show I have to meet my agent and with him it's always looooong, I won't be able to touch your magnificent body until the end of the evening" replied Zach. -"You waited years before touching my body, you can wait a couple of hours" -"I'm not sure, but I'll try" Zach answered smiling. -"I'll prepare a good meal for you when you get back, will it help you get through the day" -"Yeah it will" Zach said leaning forward to kiss Jon, they kissed for a moment and got out.

Part Four is over here! Already. I have all my idea for Part Five so it shouldn't be long to write (hopefully) Please continue sending your comments it helps me write faster :)

Next: Chapter 4

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