Zachary and Jonathan

By Kevin Cox

Published on Jun 7, 2000


Chapter 8

Jon woke up in the warm embrace of Jason's strong arms. Slowly, taking care of not waking up the guy he just spent one of the best nights of his life with, Jon broke away from the comfort of his arms and sat up in the bed.

When Jason asked him if he wanted to sleep over the day before, Jon had hesitated knowing that his parent's would be there, but after he was informed that Jason's room was down in the basement while his parents' room was on the second floor, Jon accepted right away. They had spent a great part of the night kissing and making love to each other and now, as he looked at Jason's beautiful naked body, Jon wanted more. But he didn't to wake Jason who was sleeping so peacefully so he decided he'd go take a shower and wake him up afterwards.

He slowly stepped out of bed , got his clothes on the floor and took them with him to the bathroom. He got the water running, tested the temperature and got in the shower where he felt the hot water quickly flowing all over his body from his smooth chest to his strong abs, down to his cock and balls and continuing on his legs down to his toes. Jon loved taking long hot showers, it was one of his favorite activities after sex. As he got his head under the shower stream, Jon heard the shower door opening and felt Jason's arms wrapping around him, as the young man pressed his body against his. Jon could feel Jason's chest on his back and his hard cock sliding slowly between his butt cheeks.

-"Mind if we shower together?" Jason asked. -"Not at all!" Jon answered, turning around to kiss his lover.

They kissed passionately as though they had been separated for days, their tongues were exploring deep into each other's mouths, their hands were sliding all over each other's body and their hard cocks were rubbing against each other beginning to leak precum. Jason grabbed the soap and began sliding it across Jon's smooth chest covering his nipples and his washboard abs with soap, then he went to his back starting at his shoulders slowly going down until he reached his firm buttocks which he rubbed over and over again. All the while, they were still kissing ardently and Jon was becoming more and more aroused as his boyfriend lathered his naked body.

Jason went from Jon's butt to his legs washing both of them before he went back up his cock and balls, he slid the soap several times on the hard shaft until it was covered in foam, then he put back the soap where it belonged and started slowly sliding his hand up and down Jon's manhood. The soap made his hand slide easily on the hard dick and Jon kept moaning louder and louder each time Jason's hand went up his cock.

Jason got up and kissed Jon's lips shortly before pointing upward to remember Jon they were not alone in the house. Jon smiled and kissed Jason back, this time the kiss was long and ardent when their lips separated Jon said to Jason in a low voice: "I'll try my best to contain myself now, but please go back down!" Jason smiled and got back to Jon's swollen member, he grabbed it and placed it so the shower water would wash away all the soap and then started licking the cock head, making his tongue swirl all around it making Jon leak precum almost instantly. Jason then licked his way down his long, hard dick to get to his balls which he got in his mouth one by one before going back up to the head. Jon began moaning from pleasure as Jason wrapped his lips around his cock head again and again, he moved his hips to get his manhood deeper inside his boyfriend's hot mouth. Responding to Jon's movements, Jason began getting more and more of the hard cock in his mouth.

As he got closer to orgasm, Jon had more and more difficulty keeping his voice down, but when he reached apex he couldn't hold it and let out a deep moan of pleasure as his cock began shooting cum in his lover's mouth. Jason received each load of hot sperm with extreme pleasure, the taste of his boyfriend's cum was just wonderful and got every drop of it. Once Jon had finished unloading, Jason got the young man's cock out of his mouth licked it all over one more time before he got up to kiss the man of his dreams. They then finished taking their shower and got back to Jason's room to get dressed.

-"So what should we do today?" said Jon as he was looking for some underwear. -"We'll talk about the rest of the day later, I think I've figured out something for us to do right now" Jason said looking at Jon firm buttocks. -"Oh! And what would that be?"

Jason walked to Jon ,wrapped his arms around him and whispered in his ear: "I'll let you guess" . He then pressed himself onto Jon so he could feel his 8 inches rock hard cock between his butt cheeks and started sliding it up and down. Jon guessed pretty quickly what it was that Jason had mind and he strongly agreed with it.

Jon laid on the bed while Jason got his cock well lubed. Once his cock was slick enough, Jason slowly inserted it in Jon's tight hole. He then began moving his hips back and forth, making his dick slide inside Jon's ass going deeper with each trust. As his cock rubbed against Jon's hot hole, Jason got more and more aroused and now each of his trust made his cock slide all of the way in making Jon groan in ecstasy.

Jon was having so much pleasure that his cock which had gone back to it's normal state after Jason's blowjob was back to full erection and oozing lots of precum. Jason stopped from time to time to lick the sweet liquid from Jon's cock head. It was a hot morning and the intense activity made the two boys sweat a lot, which a turn on for both of them. Their bodies were covered with sweat , glistening in the light somehow making them even more exciting.

Jason was breathing heavily as he kept sliding his hard dick in and out of Jon's ass getting closer and closer to orgasm. Both young men were enjoying immense pleasure, Jon's cock was leaking precum like crazy and when Jason got his lips around it to lick the sweet precum, Jon reach orgasm and for the second time this morning he came into Jason mouth. The young man had been surprised by the sudden flow of man seed, but was also very pleased by it and when he got his hips back in motion it was not too long before he reached his own orgasm and began filling Jon's hole with hot creamy cum.

When he was done unloading, Jason slid his manhood out Jon's hole and laid himself on Jon to kiss him. They stayed like this for a long time, one on another, kissing passionately exploring each other's mouths then they broke away from each other and got up from the bed.

They each went for their clothes and as they were dressing up they continued their conversation where they had stopped.

-"So, you got any ideas for today's activities?" asked Jon. -"Well tonight there's this party I kinda want us to go to..." began Jason. -"Cool, a party! Where is it?" -"Actually, it's at Zach's", Jason answered and then we he saw Jon's reaction he added, "Don't worry Jon, he's the one who proposed me to bring you along." -"Really?" said Jon surprised. -"Yes, from what I could hear I think he wants to make peace with you." -"We'll go to the party then!" -"Oh, I almost forgot! You can come back to play soccer with us too!" Jason added excited. -"Okay and why such excitement?" -"Um, eh, no reason..." -"Admit it you're happy just because Danny is gonna be off the team!"

Jason didn't answer but he had a wide smile on his face that said everything. Jon smiled too, leaned over to kiss Jason. The couple kissed for a while then went up the stairs to get some breakfast.

Zach had everything ready for the party all that was missing were the guests. The young man looked at his watch and thought the first people should be arriving soon, of course there was one guest he was really waiting for, Jon. All day, while preparing the house, Zach had hoped that Jon would show up, he was really counting on this evening to get things worked out with him.

The door bell rang, Zach went to open the door, it was Fred , Kyle and their girlfriends Jennifer and Tracy. Zach welcomed them in and informed them they were the first to arrive, each of the guys had brought a 12 pack of beer with them so Zach told them they could go put it in the fridge, but as he was saying this the door rang again. He opened the door and was very surprised to see Taran standing on his door step.

-"What are you doing here?", Zach asked, but the tone of his voice clearly meant "I don't want to see you here" -"Got off my back a minute will ya! Karen just dumped me and I heard you were having a party and I thought being around a lot of people would help me get my mind off of it..." -"Yeah, well if you didn't sleep with guys so much maybe you'd still be with Karen!" Zach snapped at Taran ready to close the door, but Taran blocked it. -"Your friends already saw me, it wouldn't look too good if you threw me out" Taran said smiling. -"Okay, you can come in but just stay out my way, the less I see you, the better!" -"Do you greet all your guests that way?" replied Taran entering the house. -"You're not my guest, that's the only greeting you'll get."

Zach couldn't believe the nerve Taran had and he was starting to get a bad feeling about this evening. He feared that Jon would never come and that he did come that Taran would scared him away. A couple of minutes later, the door bell rang and when Zach opened the door one of his fear got away Jon did decide to come. Suddenly Zach's heart began pounding faster in his chest, just knowing that Jon accepted the invitation meant a lot to him.

-"Hey Jon! I'm glad you're not with Jason?" Zach asked. -"He's going to get us some drink, he'll be there shortly...Is that Taran I see in your living room?" -"Yeah the little bastard invited himself! Hope you don't mind..." -"Don't worry Zach, I won't let him ruin my evening."

Soon everybody was there and Zach instructed everyone to go outside for hot-dogs and hamburgers. While he was serving his guests Zach couldn't help but look at Jon and Jason sitting next to each other , talking, having fun it was a sight that made his heart turn upside down , Jon was happy with Jason and had probably completely forgotten about him. All of that, thanks to Taran, who now had the arrogance to impose his presence at his house, at least, he kept away from him as he was asked to.

After the dinner, while everybody was talking and joking, Zach got up to go clean up the kitchen. When Jon saw him go inside, he thought it was the perfect time to go and talk to him.

-"Hey there, Zach..." said Jon. -"Hey Jon, having fun?" replied Zach. -"Yeah it's a great party, thanks for inviting me..." -"Well, I didn't want you to think I wanted out of my life" -"I guess it means you don't hate me anymore..." -"You know I never really hated you, I was angry at you because you hurt me but the reason I got this mad is because I loved you...I still do..." -"...Zach! Please don't say this...I...I..." mumbled Jon shocked by Zach's words. -"Don't worry Jon, I know you've got someone else, all I want is for us to be friends, no more no less. So what do you say? Friends?" Said Zach holding his hand in front of him for Jon to shake.

-"Friends" said Jon before grabbing Zach's hand, then he got his arms around Zach and they hugged for a while. Zach was unbelievably happy and when they stopped hugging Zach laid eyes on Jon's moist lips and the sight brought back memories of when they were together. Those memories made some uncontrollable desires rise which pushed him to lay his lips on Jon's. He kissed the young actor passionately pushed by all the love and desire he had for him, Jon kissed him back, but after a while he realized what he was doing and broke away from Zach.

-"Friends don't kiss Zach..."

Jon walked away and returned outside to the party. Zach was delighted, he was now at peace with Jon and that really was the only thing that mattered to him. He finished cleaning up and got back out with his friends to have some fun.

Taran was sitting on the grass talking with a guy that he thought was unbelievably sexy. His name was Adam, he was well built, had short light brown hair, blue eyes and the cutest butt ever and from what Taran saw through the tight jeans the young man was wearing, his cock was great too. In fact, Taran had difficulties keeping his eyes off the young man's crotch, but since Adam had had a couple of beers, he didn't notice his new friend staring at his cock. The two young men talked about all that crossed their minds and eventually guys being guys, the topic of the conversation came to sex and Taran asked Adam:

-"What's your crazy fantasy...Adam?" -"You mean sexual fantasy?" -"Yes" answered Taran with another look at Adam's crotch. -"I can't tell you that, it's too personal...I...I can't" -"Come on, you can tell me, I won't tell anyone" -"Okay... I'll think I'm crazy..." -"Please, I'll tell you mine after" -"Well...first of all I'd like to say that I am straight...but...well it's always been a fantasy of mine to you it with a guy...just once to know what it's like." Seeing Taran surprised expression Adam said: "I knew I shouldn't have told you, now you think I'm gay or just really crazy! Please forget about what I said and let's talk about your fantasy" -"Sure Adam, first of all I'd like you to know that I am gay and at this moment my craziest fantasy would be to make yours come true..." -"Oh my God! Are you serious?" -"Hell yes!" quickly answered Taran with another look between Adam's legs, this time noticed by Adam. -"Wow! I didn't expect that, you mean you'd have sex with me just like that to help me realize a fantasy!" -"For that, yes and also because you're so cute and sexy and because it's every gay guy's fantasy to have sex with a straight guy." -"Mmmm, well...mmmm....what the hell, you only live once...okay let's do it."

They got up and entered the house. They looked around and found a nice guest room in the basement. The two young men entered the room and locked the door, Adam removed his shirt and so did Taran immediately after him. Adam couldn't believe he was about to fulfill one of his most secret fantasies: having sex with a guy. Taran got closer to Adam and kissed his trembling lips, the young man took a step back, he was visibly very nervous about he was about to do. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out., his heart was pounding harder than ever in his chest, Taran approached him and whispered to him: "Just close your eyes and let yourself go." Adam did as Taran asked and he then felt Taran's lips softly pressing on his lips and now their lips were gently touching making Adam less tense more disposed to let himself go.

Taran was making sure that he controlled the strong sexual desires that were bubbling inside of him and that urged him to undress the young man and wrap his hand around his cock. He didn't want to scare Adam, he wanted him to enjoy his experience to the fullest so he kept giving him tender kisses on the lips.

At first, Adam didn't move, he just let himself be kissed, but then he started kissing Taran back , slowly opening his mouth wider and wider and soon enough the two young men were kissing avidly, their tongues deep in each other's mouth. Adam was surprised by how good a kisser Taran was and even more surprised to find out he enjoyed having another guy's tongue exploring his mouth.

The action was really starting to heat up between the Taran and Adam, their hands which had been at rest until now where roaming all over their bodies. Taran was feeling Adam's firm butt through his jeans, grabbing it with both hands, getting more aroused by the second and Adam was sliding his hands down Taran's chest, feeling it strong and firm, then feeling his abs, stopping just as they were going to slide over his crotch. Taran realized Adam didn't know if he had to go on when the young man ceased his caresses, so he took Adam's right hand and placed it directly on his crotch. The young man rolled his eyes as he felt Taran's semi-hard dick in his hand, he couldn't believe how exciting it was to have another man's cock in his hand. Even though he didn't have real contact with Taran's manhood, he could still feel it hardening as he grabbed and rubbed it through the fabric of Taran's shorts and it was very arousing to him.

The sexual caresses from Adam nourished Taran's already strong desire for the sexy young man. He couldn't wait anymore, he wanted to please Adam just the way he was pleasing him so undid his jeans and let them drop to the floor. Taran was happy to see the huge bulge in Adam's boxers which meant he was having a good time too. Without any hesitation, Taran pulled down the stretched underwear revealing Adam's 7.5" uncut cock, it was very thick and was standing straight up with some precum leaking by the slit. Taran wrapped his hand around it and felt Adam shake as the hand touched his erect cock. Taran attributed Adam's reaction to the surprise but he had to make sure so he said:

-"You know Adam, you don't have to do this, we can stop now if you want." -"No it's okay Taran, I want to do this, I really do. At first, I had my doubts but now the more I feel your hard cock and your hands on my body, the more I'm sure I want to do it", while he said that, Adam had removed Taran's shorts and was now rubbing the bulge in Taran's underwear, "I want to suck you until you blow your load all over my body!"

That's when Taran's underwear came off and Adam could finally feel the young man's cock directly, he moved his hand up and down on it for a while, Taran doing the same with his cock. After that, Adam slowly got down on his knees. For some time, he looked at the hard precum covered cock standing straight up next to him. The young man was so aroused he couldn't stop stroking his dick.

Adam then wrapped his lips around Taran's manhood and slowly went down on it until a big part of the 6.5 inches of it were in his mouth. Adam started sliding his lips up and down on Taran's cock, tasting all the sweet precum that covered it, Adam had to admit he loved the taste of Taran's dick. Taran looked down at Adam sucking hard on his cock and was unbelievably turned on by it : knowing that his cock was the first one and probably the last one that Adam would ever suck it made him very excited and the fact that Adam was a real hunk helped a lot too.

Adam got Taran's hard stick out of his mouth and began licking the swollen cock head, then slid his tongue all the way down it to come back up and lick the head again, he could tell by the sounds Taran was making that he was really close to cumming and the second he got his lips back over the cock head, Taran reached orgasm and shot a huge load down Adam's throat, the young man was so stunned by this first shot of cum that he almost choked on it and he had to let Taran's cock slide out of his mouth so he could swallow the hot creamy liquid. Taran continued shooting loads after loads of cum most of it hitting Adam's smooth chest.

-"Oh my God! That was incredible, you are a terrific cock sucker!" whispered Taran. -"Thanks! ...Wow, you made quite a mess!" replied Adam. -"I know...let me take care of that." Taran said before he laid Adam on the bed.

Taran licked Adam's chest starting at his left pectoral taking care of getting all the cum, he licked and kissed Adam's erect nipple then moved on to the next one, once again licking all the cum. By the time Taran reached his abs, Adam was hornier than ever and couldn't wait until Taran finally touched his hard precum leaking cock. A couple of seconds later his wishes were answered and he felt Taran's hand wrapping around his cock beginning to jerk it while Taran was still licking and kissing his abs.

Just before he got Adam's dick in his mouth, Taran whispered: "Let's see what you taste like". The young actor was not disappointed by the taste of Adam's cock, his precum was sweet and he was leaking tons of it. He licked each inch of the long hard shaft before getting it in his mouth where he began pumping it up and down between his lips leaving Adam breathless. He was getting a blowjob and probably the best one of his life and it was a guy that made him have all this intense pleasure. He was so glad he had the guts to make his fantasy come true as he felt Taran's tongue circling around his cock head and his lips sliding up and down on his manhood. Adam knew he was close to orgasm and he couldn't wait to fill Taran's mouth with his man seed. Taran was now sucking Adam's dick hard and fast, he knew the young man was close and he wanted to know if his cum tasted as sweet as his precum. A few seconds later, his questions were answered when Adam began shooting loads after loads of hot sweet cum down his throat. The moment was so intense for Adam that he had his eyes closed and was shook all over each time his cock shoot a string of cum in Taran's mouth, he couldn't believe the awesome feeling he was having at this instant.

When Adam was done unloading, Taran took some time to savor his hot cum and then kissed the young man on the lips. Once their lips parted, Adam sat up on the side of the bed and said:

-" Thanks man, I had a great time, I never thought I would get to realize this" -" Well I'm glad I could help you, I loved having sex with you Adam and if you have more fantasies involving sex with a guy, I'm there for you!" replied Taran with a smile. -" Thanks, but I don't think it's gonna happen."

Taran watched Adam get his boxers on and took one last look at young man cock before the underwear got over it. Both guys got their clothes back on and Adam got out of the room first the check if the coast was clear. Since there was nobody around, he told Taran he could get out and the two young men got back outside to the party. ************************************************************************ Yes, believe it or not I have finished Part Eight! I know it took me way too much time, but the important thing is that I got it done. I really hope it was worth the wait. If you wanna tell me what you think of Part Eight or tell me that I'd better write Part Nine faster than this part my e-mail is

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