Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Sep 12, 2023


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2022, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 13 - Predator Prey Part 1

Rohan clearly announced to all Rushes that participated in the Sorting Game that they were expected to return at 8:00 to the fire pit in the woods for a game of Predator Prey.

Before I went over I read the paperwork handed to me after I lost my Sorting round. The instructions were as follows:

Players have been broken into 7 groups by the sorting game:

Purple - mice

Blue - crows

Green - raccoons

Yellow - foxes

Orange - coyotes

Red - black bear

White - man

Purple/Mice are foragers and will gather coloured foraging cards spread throughout the woods. They can be preyed upon by any of the other classes.

Blue/Crows prey on mice or can gather coloured foraging cards. Crows can be preyed upon by racoons, foxes, coyotes, black bears and man.

Green/Raccoons prey on crows and mice, and can be preyed upon by foxes, coyotes, black bears and man.

Yellow/Foxes prey upon racoons crows and mice, and can be preyed upon by coyotes, black bears, and man.

Orange/Coyotes prey upon foxes racoons, crows and mice, and can be preyed upon by black bear and man.

Red/Black Bear preys upon all other animals and is preyed upon by man.

White/Man preys upon all animals.

This is a game of tag. To "capture" your prey tag them anywhere on their body. Once tagged, you hand them your life card and all life cards or foraging cards gathered. You can come back to the fire pit to store any cards at any time, but the fire pit area is usually a dangerous place to be.

If you are tagged and captured you may return to the fire pit to obtain another life card without risk.

I thought, that this game's rules, on top of the Sorting Game rules that we have to suck anyone's dick in a winning group, meant that I better have my cock and my lips ready tonight. Plus, anyone that came during the sorting game had to take it in the ass as well. Knowing all of this I brought some wet wipes I stashed from the cafeteria, and a bit of the special lube in my pocket in case any interesting prey came along.

If I found Alvin during the game, would I fuck him? Nothing like a good hate fuck to settle the score between us, right? Although, after seeing what Alvin went through last night, I think the score was settled. Even though Rick said it was not just for me, I'm sure a bit of it was. My dick got hard thinking about how submissive Alvin was. I have so many mixed feelings about Alvin.

I walked over to the fire pit with Nate. I wanted to talk to him about yesterday.

I said, "Remember at the Sorting Game you told me that you were not gay?"

Nate looked down and nervously said, "Yeah."

I continued, "Then yesterday you were kind of into sucking my cock."

Nate laughed. He said, "Well, it is a nice cock and you needed it."

I said, "You were really enjoying it and getting excited by it."

Nate said, "I just said that I wasn't gay in front of Matteo as he seemed uncomfortable about it all. And, I'm not gay. I'm probably bi?"

Nate raised his voice and looked up at me when speaking the last sentence.

I said, "I don't care what anyone's sexuality is, just wondered if you wanted me to keep quiet about our time yesterday that's all."

Nate tugged at his crotch. I thought, oh shit, I must be making him horny again.

Nate said, "No, I haven't really thought about it a lot. I mean I like having sex with girls, but I also enjoy sucking dick. I question myself. I've been pretending to be straight for so long, it is my knee jerk reaction to say I'm not gay."

I thought about what he said. I've been guilty of the same for so long. The first person I was really honest with was Alvin and he used it against me like a weapon even though he was gay himself. I couldn't let that happen again. As I was thinking to myself an awkward pause in our conversation lead Nate to look over at me as to wonder what I was going to say.

I struggled with telling him about me but I was still worried about people in my home town finding out. It was a small town and I was going to go back home after school to help with our family business. I knew if I was out I'd have a problem going back.

Nate said, "If you ever need to talk, I'm always around."

I smiled and said, "I wanted to join a frat to gain new brothers, but I feel like I already gained one in you."

Nate said, "Awww" and reached around my neck for a hug. It was a bit too close and I could feel his cock cage pressed against my hip. I pushed him away and laughed.

When we got to the fire pit, Alvin was kneeling in front of Rick. He was sucking Rick's cock in front of everyone.

I said "Hi Rick. Hi Alvin."

Rick waved and Alvin mumbled something but had Rick's thick cock in his mouth. Rick put his hands on his hips and looked down at Alvin.

Rick said, "Alvin's apologizing with his mouth."

My cock got hard. It was as if Rick had a boner radar and noticed immediately. I blushed.

Rick said, "Alvin, now apologize to Jake."

Alvin kneeled in front of me. I took my hard cock out and Alvin sucked on it right away and started to mumble about how sorry he is. It was hot and funny all at the same time. Nate was in hysterics.

Rick said, "Yam Bag, you think that is funny?" Rick held up his white wrist band and held his cock with his other hand. Nate got down on his knees and sucked Rick's thick cock. Alvin's mouth felt incredible. Plus, it was like a porno playing out in front of me watching Nate, who was very attractive, suck on thick and butch Rick. I had to hold back. Alvin was still trying to mention everything he was sorry for. The mumbling and humming sound Alvin was making was vibrating my cock and balls. This was incredible. I pulled out to try to stop cumming, as I wanted to save my load for the game of Predator Prey, but it was too late. As soon as I pulled out I shot my wad all over Alvin's face. I aimed my cock up to Alvin's hair and shot two more loads making sure he was as covered as possible. I breathed heavily.

Rick said, "Alvin, clean him up. Leave that cum all over your hair and face, it's a good look on ya."

Alvin put my sensitive cock in his mouth and didn't move. It felt so good and warm in this cold air. I was still panting.

Rick pushed Alvin off his dick and zipped his fly.

Rick said, "Nate, take a hike, I want to talk to Alvin and Jake." Nate got up and left.

Rick said, "Guys, Alvin has agreed to leave you alone Jake, on the condition that we leave him alone. Is that clear Alvin?"

Alvin nodded.

Rick said, "So Alvin, you need to first finish apologizing to every Zeta member, and you two should bury the hatchet and shake on it."

I looked Alvin right in the eyes and held my hand out. He was still a bit salty, but reluctantly he shook my hand.

Alvin said, "Rick may I please go clean up?"

Rick said, "No."

Just then Rohan blew a whistle and got up on the brick surround of the fire pit. The other Zeta members stood on either side of him on the ground. All of the frat members were wearing their Zeta pullovers (of various designs) and shorts or pants. There were more Zetas here than I ever saw before, at least 100 guys. I scanned their faces to see anyone I recognized. I saw Brent, Douggie, Andre, and others I saw before while at Zeta house and at events. There were other guys I didn't recognize. There were even some older men who didn't quite fit into their Zeta shirts that must of been alumni. I was impressed by the show of force.

Rohan explained that the game would last two hours until the whistle blew. He said that in addition to the game rules in the manual, there were a few additional ones.

Rohan said,

"Before was start I want each of you to find your color group leader standing with glow bands in your color. You will wear these glow bands around your neck. This will make the game easier in the dark. Go now."

Rohan called out for Alvin. Alvin walked in front of Rohan as Rohan pulled his cock out and had Alvin suck him. His apology tour continued.

We moved to our respective groups. My group leader was a Zeta I never met before. As I was in my small group I noticed a familiar face in the sea of Zeta guys. It was an older guy but I couldn't place him. He had a full close trimmed beard and combed over black hair. He had a pot belly and didn't look like a college student. His eyes caught mine as I was struggling to place him and he looked away.

I looked back at Alvin who was getting a proper face fucking from Rohan. Rohan blew his load all over Alvin's already cum covered face. Rohan pulled up his pants and got back to the business at hand.

Rohan continued, "Now for the rest of the rules.

  1. When the predator captures prey by tagging them, they cannot get their tags unless they mark their prey by cumming in their prey's mouth or ass if they have the brown bracelet. This will slow you down.

  2. There will be only one bracelet in the woods at a time. We Zetas will rotate through.

  3. You may return here at any time to your color station to drop off any cards you have won, or grab a new card if you were captured.

  4. The person with the most cards wins.

  5. We will enter the woods by colour group with purple going first, and each other group will enter in 5 minute intervals.

  6. Everyone with a brown bracelet needs to take their pants and underwear off.

  7. Keep an eye out for the poison oak and stinging nettles in the brush.

  8. When you hear 3 long whistles the game is done. I'll blow the whistle in 2 hours. Have fun and good luck."

Just then the Zeta members clapped and collared and Rohan blew the whistle to start the game. A flurry of guys dropped their pants and the purple group ran into the woods with their purple glow necklaces on. Music started playing and people started to mingle. I had on my yellow glow necklace. It was a bit of point of pride, as there were only a few guys above me in this game.

I made eye contact with the older guy with the beard again and he started to walk over to me.

"Jake" he said.

When I heard his voice I realized it was my father's employee Erick Bondy. Shit. I walked over to him and I shook his hand. He looked at me up and down, and then back to my eyes. When he stared into my eyes it was as if he was scanning me to read my mind. This made me feel incredibly unnerved.

I said, "I didn't know you were a Zeta."

He said, "Yeah, I graduated 6 years ago before I started to work with your dad. Are you planning to pledge a frat?"

I said, "Yeah, I have applied to Zeta but haven't received an offer yet."

He said, "Good luck with that and good luck tonight. Don't get too fucked."

I laughed and went back to my color group. It was really awkward having someone from my home town here at this event when I could be sucking a dick. My mind raced with fears that he would go back to town and tell people at my dad's business what I was doing at school. I worried that if he made me suck his dick, he would realize I was gay by how turned on I was by it all, or that he would see me using someone else and enjoying myself and know. Worse still, he was wearing a white wrist band. I couldn't imagine having to suck his cock and then seeing him while I was with my dad, thinking about how his cock tasted and remembering swallowing his cum. He would know that I'm not out with my parents and be able to use that against me to blackmail me like Alvin did. His invasive glare when he talked to me reminded me in some ways to Alvin's glare when he realized he had the goods on me and could make me do whatever he wanted.

I think I'm fucked, again.

With that thought, I heard Rohan's whistle ring out and the blue group headed into the woods.

Brent ran over to me. He was wearing his white bracelet. I felt like something was different with him ever since the sorting game. Tonight, though, he seemed to be his normal jovial self.

Brent asked, "Where did you go last night I missed you."

I said, "I had to help Rick with something and crashed at my friend's place."

He laughed, "I came back to look for a second helping."

I said, "I figured you would."

He said, "You could come by after, or, maybe we could go to the final Rush party together tomorrow night? I'd like that."

I said, "Really? Tomorrow night sounds good, today's going to be a long day."

He gave me a hug and then pushed me back and held up his hand with the white bracelet, indicating I had to suck his dick. He was always hard and his hard dick poked through his athletic shorts.

I got down on my knees in front of him.

Brent said, no over here, and stood up on the brick surround of the fire pit.

He said, "So everyone can see better."

Rohan's whistle rang out indicating it was the Green group's turn to head out.

Brent pulled his shorts down to his knees and his dick stuck straight out, right at my mouth height.

I stood in front of him and out of the corner of my eye, I saw my dad's employee walk toward us for a better look. I opened my mouth and Brent grabbed my head with both hands. It was if he flipped a switch and was the mean fucking prick who fucked my mouth hard just yesterday. 6 or 7 guys gathered and watched me take Brent's hard dick. Soon Brent's cock shaft was lathered up with the goopy spit from the back of my throat. Brent knew my mouth and pumped so that it would cause me to gag over and over again. I looked up and he smiled to the guys around making sure they all watched. My own cock bulged in my pants. I looked to my side and my dad's employee was inches from it all watching and looking me up and down. He totally saw my hard cock. There was nothing to do but wait until Brent was finished with my mouth. It felt so good to taste Brent but the way he fucks my mouth now is not at all about pleasure. It is about control and power. He started to thrust a bit harder and smashed my face with each thrust into his hard pubic bone. My lips tingled as they were getting swollen and I held his hips with each hand to just hold on as he was pumping so hard. I could feel his cock getting harder and harder. I reached below to grab his balls and rub them and I felt them contract. Brent held me down on his cock all the way with his strong arms as he lunged his hips forward so his cock was all the way down my throat.

When he let off the pressure I pulled out and gagged hard. Strings of spit were hanging off my chin and snot ran out of my nose. I wiped my face with my hand and caught my breath. I breathed heavily.

Someone said, "Look his cock his hard. Look's like he wants another face fucking. He really likes this."

My dad's employee laughed. Just then, I heard Rohan's whistle and indication it was my turn to enter the woods. I was saved, for now.

I ran straight to the back of the woods. My plan was to find as many of the foragers as possible away from the big groups of people. I figured they would be in groups and would stay away from the paths. As I ran I could hear rustling in the woods and caught a glimpse of some purple light. I think I caught one. I needed to tag him.

I took a slightly circular approach and raced around a bunch of short bushes. We chased for a bit, but I was faster. I watched his muscular frame run and noticed he wasn't wearing any pants. He was blonde, clean shaven, 3 or 4 inches taller than me and with broad shoulders. He was waring his purple band around his neck. I loved watching his ass shake as he ran as fast as he could. I jumped forward and slapped him on the back, he was caught.

I said, "In your mouth or in your ass?"

He said, "Mouth" and got down on his knees.

I pulled my cock out and he had to really bend lower to take my cock in his mouth. I was so horny after Brent's face fucking in front of everyone that I was totally horny. It didn't take me long to get close. It was so hot to look down and see this hulk of a stud on his knees to suck my dick on demand. He was so fucking hot. I would never have imagined getting head from someone like him. He reached around to rub my hairy ass as I slowly pumped in and out of his mouth. As he did, it put me over the edge, and I came right in his mouth. He gagged and spit my cum out onto the ground and whipped his mouth with my hand.

"Give me your cards" I said. He handed me 8 foraging cards. I tucked those into my pocket with my yellow card and headed deeper into the woods.

He said, "Thanks for not fucking me and giving me the choice."

I said, "I've never fucked a guy so I was relieved myself. Later and good luck."

I went deeper into the woods. I figured I would stay away from the entrance unless necessary. I heard rustling behind me and looked back but saw nothing.

I thought I saw some blue and green light ahead of me, but was distracted by more purple specks of light between the thick brush. I figured I should follow the sound. The music playing at the fire pit made this harder, but used my tracking skills from hunting to find my next prey.

I got to the back fence surrounding the woods and found a rough narrow dirt path. I followed it and saw my next catch. It was a green collar and he didn't run at all. He was a bit stocky and an easy catch. As I came up on him, I realized it was Matteo. I tagged him on the ass and he turned around.

When he saw me he looked relieved.

I said, "stay off the paths. I don't kneed another Blow Job, but give me your cards."

Matteo said, "Thanks man" and reached into his pocket to grab 4 gathering cards and 1 blue card."

I put the stash in my pocket with the others. I heard steps behind me and jumped into the bushes and off the track. I was being pursued.

It was a white collar chasing me. Fuck.

I ran quickly around bigger trees and bushes and through smaller ones hoping to lose the Zeta chasing me. I now ran towards the sound of the fire using the music as a beacon and into the risk of further danger. I could feel the distance grow between us as I heard the rustling father and farther behind me.

Just in front of me I saw some orange or red light. I couldn't tell which. I knew I had to get away. I also needed to get back to the fire to drop all these cards off so I don't lose them.

I took a hard left and jumped over some rotted logs and right through a puddle. The people behind me were in hot pursuit.

Just then, they stopped. I snuck back towards them and saw the white and orange lights together. The white necklace was shaking. He must be fucking that orange guy chasing me. Good.

I went back towards the back of the woods. I saw another white glow band, and a 3rd and more still. It was like all of the white players were now in the woods.

I heard one of them say, "Jake was yellow."

My heart raced.

I double timed my running. Why was anyone mentioning me? What was this about? Was this one of Brent's games?

I ran as fast and as far as I could away from the fire. I saw more white glow bands ahead. There had to be sixty or seventy of them ahead. There were more jumping the fence into the woods. I really didn't know where to go. Just then I was tagged.

I looked behind me and my heart dropped out of my chest.

Next: Chapter 14

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