Zeta Alpha Rho

By Jerry McLean

Published on Dec 31, 2021


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This story is fiction and based on consensual BDSM and sex between adults. Any resemblance to real people is purely coincidental. This work is copyrighted, 2021, with all rights reserved outside of the Nifty Archive.

Part 6 -- Consequences for Me

I woke up in an empty dorm room just after 8 am. I didn't sleep well. I was worried about what Rick did to Alvin for pissing on the floor. I worried that by talking to Rick about Alvin's control and blackmail, I set into motion something I couldn't stop. Do I hate the thought of Alvin outing me? Yes. Do I want Alvin's control over me to end? No.

I put my Rush pin on and walked down to Rick's office. There was no answer. I walked over to the student center to grab some breakfast and a coffee. I didn't know if I should contact campus police and report Alvin as a missing person, or if I should wait and talk to Rick. I remembered that Rick gave me his phone number to call or text anytime. I sent a quick text to Rick, and he responded right away. He said that Alvin was alright but wanted to explain in person. He agreed to meet me for breakfast.

I didn't wait long. I felt better to see that Rick was also wearing the same shorts and shirt he had on last night. Even tired, Rick looked good. He grabbed some food from the cafeteria and sat down across the table from me. I asked where Alvin was. Rick told me that he made Alvin sleep outside the room last night to let me have some rest.

Rick said, "I wanted to warn you to give him some room this morning."

I said, "why?"

Rick said, "Alvin's going to be salty after cleaning the washroom all night and then sleeping on the washroom benches. I suspect he will wake up once everyone comes in for their morning showers. If I were you, I'd grab what you can from the room now before Alvin wakes up."

I said, "do you think he will calm down?"

Rick said, "Alvin irrationally blames you for his own actions. I don't think he will calm down. The only thing that Alvin understands is leverage. I have a plan, but it is going to take a few days. I'm just going to need you to lie low for today and let Alvin chill out. I think he will be better by tonight."

I said, "I'm sorry I mentioned anything to you yesterday. I really don't want to cause any trouble. Just forget what I said."

Rick said, "it's up to you man. I mean, it's your life. Are you sure?"

I said, "yes. I can handle Alvin. I was just upset yesterday, I don't want to cause any problems."

Rick said, "OK, if you say so."

We put our trays away and walked back to Howard Hall. I walked behind Rick as we walked so I could get a look at his muscular ass. However, every time I did, Rick made a point to try to walk next to me. When we got back to the residence, I went into my room to grab my shower bag.

Alvin was on the bed snoring. I quietly took some clothes and Alvin woke up. He pointed at the floor. I took my clothes off as ordered. Alvin sat on the edge of the bed, removed his shorts, spread his legs a bit and pointed to the floor in front of him. His dick was hard and pointed in my direction.

Alvin said while fidgeting with his phone, "we're going to play a game. You're going to suck my dick. I'm going to broadcast the whole thing on the VideoBater app. You can stop sucking once we have 100 viewers. Suck slow, as if you get me close, I'm going to hurt you. Suck steadily, as if my cock goes soft, I'm going to hurt you. Got it?"

I said, "Alvin, you said nothing public. I'm not doing this."

Alvin said, "I spent the whole night cleaning up piss you should have licked up. I pissed on the floor so you could taste it and I got punished for it. Now you are going to pay bitch. You're in no position to make demands. I told you to call me Sir and here you are calling me Alvin. Listen, I'm going to have zero tolerance with you going forward. Stop being such a stupid bitch."

I was adamant, "Sir, please don't put me on camera, I don't want anyone I know to see."

Alvin said, "fine, I'll restrict it to people outside our state. You have no reason to not do it now bitch. Let me just adjust that setting. You're good, and you're on camera. Suck it."

Alvin pointed the camera at me, and I put my lips around his cock. As soon as I did, Alvin stood up, opened the drapes, turned on the lights and sat down again in front of me.

Alvin said, "We have our first visitor, do you like my bitch?"

A male's voice in the chat said "let me get a better look."

Alvin told me to stand up and put my hands behind my back. He moved the camera up and down my body. My hard cock stood straight out in front of me. He told me to bend over and spread my cheeks. As I bent over, Alvin stepped behind me to film my butt and my asshole.

Another voice in the chat said "tell him to spread his ass wider."

I was so humiliated. I bent over and grabbed my ass cheeks and spread them. Alvin giggled.

Alvin told me to sit my ass on the floor, and I did. He put his hard cock right against my lips and aimed his cell phone camera right at me. He rubbed his cock all over my face. His cock started to leak a bit of precum, and he wiped it on my lips. He pushed my head, so it tilted back, grabbed his hard cock with his hand and then beat my face with his big dick.

Alvin said, "open up."

I did and he pushed his cock all the way down my throat. He held the cell phone to the side of my face to get a good view of me sucking his cock. I sucked very slowly trying not to get him off. I didn't know how he would hurt me, but I was sure that it was going to hurt. Alvin took his cock out of my mouth and sat down on the bed and pointed to the floor.

I took my place between his legs and got on my hands and knees like a dog to suck his cock. I slowly pushed the cock down my throat and back down to the edge of his cock very slowly. His cock remained rock hard. Each time Alvin's cock pulsed it leaked warm slippery salty liquid over my tongue. I could feel the orgasm rising within Alvin. I listened to his breathing get more deliberate and watched his belly rise as he breathed. Alvin leaned back on one arm as he filmed with the other.

Alvin took his cock out of my mouth and laid down on his bed.

He said, "you have 45 viewers, bitch. Now keep sucking."

One of the people on the chat said, "what happens when you get to 100?"

Alvin said, "then I cum all over his face."

Alvin pointed at his cock, and I went down on him all the way down. His cock was a bit softer than it was before. I loved sucking him slowly all the way down, so my nose pressed into his short-trimmed pubes and then all the way out, so his cockhead pressed against my tongue. I did this as slowly as possible.

Alvin said, "53 viewers."

I kept sucking, although a little faster, bit by bit. Alvin started to breathe a little quicker. I could feel Alvin pull back a bit on his cock, trying not to get close. He was trying not to cum. He was trying to make this last as long as possible.

Alvin said, "61 viewers. Slow down bitch or I'm going to spank your ass hard."

One of the viewers said, "spank his ass, I want to see that."

I slowed down. I only needed to get 39 more viewers I thought. Then I thought there are over 60 people watching me suck. My face has been on camera this whole time. Whoever saw this video could be recording it or grabbing screen captures. My face with a cock in it might be posted on the internet for anyone to see. I kept sucking but looked down at Alvin's pubes to try to hide my face. Alvin started to breathe quicker, and his legs began to shake. He started to pump his legs. Alvin pulled all the way out and pushed me away.

Alvin said, "get on the floor, ass in the air bitch."

I got down on the floor between the 2 beds and put my shoulders to the ground.

One viewer said, "show ass."

Another said, "show hole."

Alvin said, "you know what to do bitch. Spread those cheeks."

I spread my cheeks with both hands. I looked behind as Alvin filmed my ass close-up. You could probably see every hair in my ass crack and on my ass cheeks. Alvin walked over to the back of the room and grabbed his flip flop.

Alvin said, "now if you make any noise, you will regret it."

He swung his flip flop and it struck me right in the center of my ass crack. The toes of the flip flop smacked my taint hard. I gritted my teeth and did not make a sound.

One of the chat voices said, "I couldn't see, move the camera."

Alvin sat his camera up on the desk and propped it up with a book. He told me to get on all 4's and look right at the camera. He swung the flip flop. I watched him swing the sandal on the screen of his phone and I felt it strike my ass. He hit me in the same spot as Rick. I grimaced and kept quiet.

A male voice said, "Harder."

Alvin hit me harder. He hit me again and again. I shed a single tear.

A male voice said, "the bitch is crying, keep going."

I lowered my head to hide my shame. Alvin told me to keep looking at the camera. Alvin hit me again and again. I remained quiet, but tears streamed down my face.

Alvin said, "fuck bitch, you have 110 viewers, come and get your prize."

Alvin stood in front of his bed and pointed at his dick. He was still very hard, and I put my mouth around his cock again. It tasted so good. He pushed my head back and slapped his cock against my face. He rubbed his cock over my eyes and told me to lick the tears off his cock. I licked his wet cock and he told me to open up. I did and Alvin grabbed my head with both hands. He shoved his cock all the way down my throat, and I gagged, but he held me down on it. I struggled to breathe as I was still crying, and my nose was stuffed. He pulled out. I grabbed a quick breath, and this time he fucked my face in and out in rapid succession. He pumped my face harder and harder and pulled out. Just as I looked up at him, he tilted my head back and came all over my face. I could feel shots of cum fly over my face and into my hair. He pulled my hair and held my face up to the camera. I was covered in cum, teary eyed, and totally satisfied. Alvin put a pair of underwear on and laid on the bed.

I never felt so totally abused and totally wanted. Alvin used me for his pleasure and for the pleasure of all the anonymous faces behind the screen.

One guy said, "show ass."

Alvin grabbed the phone and ended the VideoBater session.

Alvin said, "why don't you have a shower, clean your face, so you can go downstairs and do my laundry. I need fresh clothes for the car wash this afternoon. Don't forget your new rules. I'm not going to remind you."

I sniffled and grabbed my towel to wipe my face. I carried my towel and bag in my arm and realized that my ass was probably bright red again.

I said, "I don't want to shower now Sir, my ass is red."

Alvin said, "tough shit. You're going to shower now, I don't want to smell you."

I looked down at the ground and walked out the door. I used to think that the shower was close to my room. In reality, it was 4 or 5 dorm doors away. Each was an opportunity that someone would see me walking naked. Each one was a chance that someone would see my reddened ass cheeks as I walked down the hallway.

I saw Matteo walk towards the bathroom. He first looked me in the eye and then down at my shaved cock and balls. I never shaved my pubes off before Alvin shaved me and it made me feel even more naked. Was he admiring my cock or was he looking at my totally shaved pubes? The humiliation of it all made my cock start to get hard, and I looked away. I could feel him continue to stare as I turned into the bathroom. Matteo followed.

All of the showers were going. I had to wait. I sat down on the bench so no one would see my red ass. The embarrassment of it all made my dick harder and now I was fully erect. I laid the towel loosely over my lap. My cock pressed against the towel fabric. The feeling of my cockhead pressed against the soft towel felt so good. Matteo sat down next to me, and his eyes were fixed on the growing bulge in my towel.

Matteo said, "are you going to the Zeta car was later?"

I said, "yeah."

Matteo said, "good, maybe we can walk over together?"

I said, "sure."

It was trying to avoid talking to Matteo while my cock was hard. It turned me on to be next to him. It was also humiliating with my red ass and shaved pubes being naked around him. I looked over at his hairy chest and arms. He had a blanket of hair that went from his shoulders to his knees. I wondered what was under his towel. Matteo was my type. All of this humiliation and proximity to Matteo was an absolute turn on.

The door opened. Alvin walked in and looked at me sitting on the bench. He went behind us to the urinal. I looked forward toward the showers. I heard him flush the urinal and he walked out the door. A shower stall opened up and I got up and wrapped the towel around me. My hard cock tented the towel fabric and I got into the shower stall. I showered and wrapped the towel around me and went back to the room. I took the towel off before entering.

Alvin was lying on the bed and pointed to the ground as soon as I entered.

He said, "Rule 8, you're not allowed to bring a towel to the shower. Now lie face down on your bed hands behind your back."

He saw me. He was right. I deserved this.

Alvin said, "why did you put the towel on?"

I said, "because my cock got hard. I was embarrassed Sir. I'm so sorry."

Alvin said, "since your cock got you into trouble, your cock will pay. This time don't make a sound."

He tightly zip tied my hands behind my back. And told me to lie on my back. He got up and took off his underwear and shoved them in my mouth. He fumbled around in his shaving bag and grabbed some toothpaste and a q-tip. Alvin stood on my bed over my face and squatted down on my face. He moved his knees next to my head and pinned my face under his ass. It was hard to breathe. My erect cock was pulsating at the thought of Alvin hurting me again. I felt Alvin grab my cock and stroke it a few times.

He then leaned back and put more weight on my face and then leaned forward and I felt him rub something on my cock head. I assume it was the toothpaste. It was gritty but didn't burn at first. I then felt pressure at my piss hole. He pressed the q-tip into my cock. It didn't go in. Alvin leaned back on my face and leaned forward again. I could feel the now wet q-tip press into my cockhead, and it fucking burned. It didn't fit and felt like it was splitting my cock hole. The toothpaste on the end burned my piss hole. I started to lose my hardon.

Alvin jerked my thick cock with one clean hand and pressed the q-tip in further with the other. My cock head began to burn as well. The toothpaste burned the ridge of my cockhead first and then all over. I pulled my cock back as far as I could, but I was now being jerked by Alvin more steadily and he slowly pulled the q-tip in and out fucking my piss hole with the toothpaste covered q-tip. I grunted but tried to stay as quiet as possible. He jerked quicker and quicker and fucked my piss hole hard and harder with the q-tip until it was all the way down to the end. Once it was in Alvin focused on jerking my cock.

I was going to cum. I felt the orgasm build within my balls. I felt my ass tingle where Alvin spanked me and felt the burning in my cock. The mix of pleasure and pain turned me on so much. He pressed down on my face with his ass and I was so turned on thinking about rimming him again and having him jerk my hard cock. The cock head burning and the burning in my piss shaft got less and less the closer that I got. He jerked even faster and told me to cum. Just as I did, I felt the cum jolt into my cock shaft and push the q-tip right out. It felt like a hot iron seared the inside of my cock and my cock head. The pain rose up inside me like nothing I ever felt. I screamed into Alvin's ass, and he put all his weight on my head to muffle my screams. It hurt so much my body involuntarily shook. My hands made fists behind my back and strained against the zip ties.

Once I came, I realized this had to end. It hurt so much I was angry with Alvin. What else could he do to me? How far was this going to go?

Alvin got up off my face and laid back on his bed. He left me there with his underwear in my mouth and my hands tied behind my back. He took pictures of me like this with his phone.

My cock continued to hurt and burn, inside and out. I thought, how long would this last?

After a few minutes Alvin got up and pulled the underwear out of my mouth.

Alvin said, "now thank me, bitch."

I said, "thank you Sir."

He said, "now get dressed and go do my laundry like a good little bitch."

I said, "thank you Sir," and got to my chores for Alvin.

Next: Chapter 7

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